[ Open link to select player best suited for your computer ] Sept. 24, 2005 Having grown up in a Jehovah's Witness family, { Quotes } came to the realization that what he was being raised to believe, wasn't standing up to scrutiny. Subsequently, he put together a fantastic website, simply showing primary resource material (stuff JW's say about themselves and their beliefs) then simply highlighted various points of interest... things to make you say "Hmmm!" The WatchTower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania have initiated legal proceedings against { Quotes }, seeking a reported $100,000 in damages and a court order to silence the website. sKally
"Quotes" website owner-Radio Interview on the Net-Sept. 24, '05
by sf 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It kept ending on me way before it was done!
It kept ending on me way before it was done!
In sf's post, right-click on the disk icon on the bottom right and select "save target as..." It will allow you to save the .mp3 to your disk and you can play it once it's downloaded. It's less than 10 MB in size so it won't take long if you have a high speed connection. W
Thanks Finally I will try that!
Doesn't that audio give out his name? I thought he didn't want his name made public here. I could be wrong.
in a new york bethel minute
yes it does give out his name... but how can you announce your name on radio and expect it to be hidden else-where? what was the other book he mentioned? (not crisis of conscience)
Cygnus, thanks for your concern. However, there is not way that I can both fight this and remain *totally* invisible.
I would prefer if my name was not posted here at JWD, but have had to reveal my identity for the radio program. I have also left my identity unobscured in the scan of the WTS's "Statement of Claim".
So.... at JWD, please refrain from using my name. But for official news/press releases at official news sources, well, they have to use a name. -
Why do I get the feeling that at this very minute, WTS worker-bees are eagerly listening to the interview, trying to see if I said anything they can use against me?
HI GUYS!!!! (Quotes give a hearty wave!) -
Good luck - normally I'm not in favour of biting the hand that feeds but the response of the WT is childish. When will officialdom learn that the more truth is suppressed the more it spreads?
Quotes, I'm 21 minutes into the interview and you're doing a great job.
Edited to add: bethel minute, the other book is "Apocalypse Delayed" by M. James Penton, the most comprehensive book on the history of the Watchtower movement in existence.
LOL Quotes I just heard you talk about reading the book while driving.
Also edited to say the elders and congregation did the same thing with my still-JW wife and we eventually got divorced too.