Indoctrination 101: The Sep KM insert - From Student to Publisher

by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Most of us who have/are associated with Jehovah's Witnesses are familiar with the indoctrination process and how it works.

    Well, for those of us who want to see the process from start to finish, the Watchtower has very kindly included an insert in the

    September Kingdom Ministry, entitled Conducting Progressive Bible Studies.

    My comments are in red, interesting comments are highlighted. Notice how Jesus is missing from the indoctrination process.

    Also, can you spot which book is not on the Recommended Publications for study?

    Conducting Progressive Bible Studies

    Part 1: What Is a Bible Study?

    If you regularly and systematically have Bible discussions, though brief, using the Bible or along with it one of the recommended

    publications, you are conducting a study. The study may be reported when it has been conducted two times after the study

    arrangement is demonstrated and if there is reason to believe that the study will continue. km 7/04 p1

    Recommended Publications

    • What Does God Require of Us?
    • Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life
    • Worship The Only True God
    • You Can Be God's Friend! may be used to study with people who have limited eduation or reading ability
    • What you won't see in the Kingdom Ministry - The Bible

    Notice that a Bible study is not counted as a study unless it has been conducted at least two times. Let's be honest, how many publishers do you know actually USED the Bible, other than as a reference book? It's sad that Jehovah's Witnesses have to be told what a Bible study is. I mean, you don't ask your kids what homework is, do you? They know it's extra work after school. Why are so many witnesses unsure of what a Bible study is?

    What's interesting about the Recommended Publications is that You Can Be God's Friend! is the only one that seems to emphasize a friendship with the Creator - the rest simply tell you what to do from their title.

    Part 2: Preparing to Conduct the Study

    We need to present the information in a way that touches the student's heart. This requires thorough preparation with the students in mind. - km 8/04 p. 1.

    The opening sentence above would be better phrased as follows:

    We need to present the information in a way that touches the student's heart. This requires thorough preparation with the minds of the students.

    How To Prepare

    • Examine the title, subheadings, and visual aids of the chapter of lesson.
    • Identify the answers to the printed questions, marking only the key words and phrases. Yes, the only acceptable answers from the student are the Society's answers in the publication.
    • Decide which cited scriptures to read during the study. Make brief notes in the margin of the study publication. "All scripture is inspired of God."
    • Prepare a brief review of the main points.

    Personalize The Lesson

    • Pray about the student and his needs.
    • Anticipate points that the student may have difficulty understanding or accepting.
    • Consider: What does he need to understand or work on in order to make spiritual progress? How can I reach his heart?
    • As needed, prepare an illustration, an explanation, or a series of questions to help the student grasp a point or scripture.

    Yes, pray about the student if he/she have difficulty understanding 1914, the revised definition of the generation and the two -witness rule regarding child abuse.

    Part 3: Effective Use of the Scriptures

    Our purpose in conducting Bible studies is to "make disciples" by helping people to understand and accept the teachings of God's Word and apply them in their lives. Therefore, the study should center on the Scriptures. - km 11.04 p. 4.

    Teach From God's Word

    • Show the student how to find specific texts in his own copy of the Bible. Yes, show the student how to make good use of scripture bites.
    • Look up and discuss Bible texts that show the Scriptual basis for our beliefs.
    • Use questions. Instead of explaining Bible texts to the student, have him explain them to you.
    • Keep it simple. Do not try to explain every aspect of a scipture. Include only what is needed to make the point clear.
    • Make practical application. Help the student to see how Bible texts apply to him personally.

    *** Watchtower 1953 April 1 pp. 214-215 Doing the Work Approved by God ***

    21 It is not a difficult task to recognize and identify God's visible organization, for there are not many, not even a few, there is only one organization that is pursuing the above-outlined course, namely, Jehovah's witnesses. Inseparably associated with this widely known organization is its legal servant and governing agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Only Jehovah's Witnesses and their associates are bearing the fruits of the Kingdom by public proclamation. (Heb. 13:15)

    Part 4: Training Students to Prepare

    A student who reads the lesson beforehand, marks the answers, and thinks of how to express them in his own words makes rapid spiritual progress. Therefore, once a regular study has been established, prepare a lesson together to show the student how. With most students, it wil be helpful to prepare an entire chapter or lesson together. - km 12/04 p. 1.

    Markings and Notations

    • Explain how to find direct answers to the printed questions.
    • Show the student your copy of the study publication in which you have marked only the key words and phrases.
    • Help the student to see that each cited text supports a point in the paragraph, and show him how to make brief notations in the margin of his study publication.

    Survey and Review

    • Show the student how to examine the chapter or lesson title, subheadings, and illustrations before beginning his detailed indoctrination detailed preparation session.
    • Encourage the student to review the main points at the conclusion of the preparation session.

    Part 5: Determining How Much Material to Cover

    The amount of material that can be considered will depend on the ability and the circumstances of both the teacher and the student. - km 1/05 p.1 .

    Build Solid Faith

    • Do not sacrfice the student's having a clear understanding of God's Word for the sake of speed. Whatever happened to those six month Bible study programs?
    • Spend whatever time is necessary to help the student understand and accept what he is learning.
    • Allow sufficent time to consider key scriptures that provide the basis for the teachings.

    Keep The Study Moving

    • If the student is inclined to speak at length about personal matters, you may need to arrange to discuss these after the study. Personal matters - Birthdays, heavenly hope etc.
    • Do not talk excessively during the study. Limit the discussion of side points and experiences so as not to hinder the student from aquiring an accurate knowledge of basic Bible teaching.

    Part 6: When a Student Raises a Question

    Once a Bible study is well-established only after the second Bible study student's having it is usally best to consider Bible teachings in an orderly manner rather than jump from subject to subject. This helps the student to build a foundation of accurate knowledge and to progress spiritually. km 2/05 p. 6.

    Be Discerning

    • Questions related to the study material can usually be answered on the spot. Explain how to find direct answers to the printed questions.
    • Questions unrelated to the study material or that require further research can be considered at another time. It may be helpful to write down such questions.
    • If the student has difficulty accepting a certain teaching, consider additonal material that thoroughly discusses the subject.
    • If the student is still not convinced, leave the subject for another time and continue with the study. Yes, keep the student indoctrinated for as long as is necessary. Do not discuss subjects such as child molestation, blood etc.

    Be Modest

    • If you do not know an answer to a question, do not venture an opinion.
    • Progressively teach the student how to do research.

    *** Watchtower 1967 June 1 p.338 Move Ahead with Jehovah's Organization ***

    12 How will we put these four things into effect? First, study: We may think of study as hard work, as involving heavy research. But in Jehovah's organization it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and energy in research, for there are brothers in the organization who are assigned to do that very thing, to help you who do not have so much time for this, these preparing the good material in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society. But you do not study enough? Take this suggestion:

    *** Awake! October 8 1966 pp.19-20 ***

    'How Much Longer Will It Be?'

    6,000 Years Completed in 1975 … In what year, then, would the first 6,000 years of man's existence and also the first 6,000 years of God's rest day come to an end? The year 1975… Hence, the fact that we are nearing the end of the first 6,000 years of man's existence is of great significance.

    Part 7: Offering Prayer At The Study

    In order for Bible Students to mak spiritual progress, Jehovah's blessing is essential. Therefore, it is proper to open and close an established study with prayer. - km 3/05 p. 4.

    How To Intoduce Prayer

    • With those who are religiously inclined, prayer can often be offered from the very first study.
    • With others, we need to discern the appropriate time to intoduce prayer.
    • Psalm 25:4, 5 and 1 John 5:14 can be used to explain why prayer is offered.
    • John 15:16 can be used to show that we should pray to Jehovah through Jesus Christ. Jesus finally gets a mention.

    What To Include in Prayers

    • It is fitting to praise Jehovah as the Source of instruction.
    • Express sincere interest in the student.
    • Express appreciation for the organisation that Jehovah is using.
    • Request Jehovah's blessing on the students efforts to apply what he is learning.

    *** Watchtower 1967 June 1 p.335 Move Ahead with Jehovah's Organization ***

    Move Ahead with Jehovah's Organization

    How much more zealous, then, should we be to move with an organization that is greater than the greatest corporation or even the greatest nation, an organization formed and blessed by the Creator of the universe, and to be used by him throughout eternity!

    Part 8: Directing Students To The Organization

    By this time, the student is sufficiently indoctrinated for the conductor to draw him to Jehovah's organization.

    Our goal in conducting Bible studies is not only to teach doctrinal information but also to teach students to become part of the Christian congregation. Take a few minutes each week on the study to share a point about Jehovah's organization. - km 4/05 p. 8.

    Congregation Meetings

    • Describe each congregation meeting. From the first study, invite them to attend.
    • Share outstanding points that were presented at the meetings.
    • Build enthusiasm for the Memorial, assemblies and the visit of the circuit overseer.
    • Use photographs in our publications to help them visualize what takes place.
    • Encourage them to read the brochure Jehovah's Witnesses - What Do They Believe?

    Use Videos To Build Appreciation

    • Jehovah's Witnesses - The Organization Behind the Name
    • Our Whole Association of Brothers
    • United By Divine Teaching
    • To The Ends of The Earth

    *** Watchtower 1981 November 15 p.21 'Stay Awake and Keep Your Senses' ***

    And while now the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah's organization for salvation...

    *** Watchtower 1967 October 1 p.587 Finding Freedom with Jehovah's Visible Organization ***

    Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind.

    *** You Can live Forever (1982, 1990) p.255 ***

    Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God's new system. There is only one. There was just one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization—God's visible organization — that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation." It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal... You must be part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life...

    Part 9: Prepare Students To Witness Informally

    As Bible students begin to exercise faith in what they are learning, they are impelled to speak about it. - km 5/05 p. 1.

    w88 1/1 28-9 Keep On Preaching the Kingdom

    Avoiding Bloodguilt

    13 The responsibility of Jehovah's dedicated Witnesses to warn people of God's coming judgment can be compared to that of Ezekiel in his time. He was designated a watchman to the house of Israel. His assignment was to warn the Israelites that execution was coming upon them if they did not turn away from their bad ways. If he as a watchman failed to sound the warning, execution would still come upon the wicked people, but their blood would be upon the head of the negligent watchman. In this Jehovah shows his attitude toward executing judgment: "I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why is it that you should die, O house of Israel?"-Ezekiel 33:1-11.

    Encourage Them to Witness

    • Are there friends and family members whom they could invite to sit in on the study?
    • Have any of their workmates, schoolmates, or other aquaintances expressed interest?

    Train Them to Share Their Beliefs

    • At selected points during the study, ask the student, "How would you use the Bible to explain this truth to your family?"
    • Help the student appreciate the need to be respectful and kind when speaking with others about God and his purposes.
    • The brochure Jehovah's Witnesses - Who Are They? What Do They Believe? can be used by students to help friends and family members understand our Bible-based beliefs and activities.

    Part 10: Training Students In The House to House Ministry

    When the elders determine that a Bible student qualifies as an unbaptized publisher, he may begin to share with the congregation in the public preaching work. - km 6/05 p. 1.

    So, it's OK to preach to friends and family BEFORE becoming an unbaptized publishers, but you can't preach on the doors till you are QUALIFIED as an unbaptized publisher.

    Preparing Together

    • Show the new publisher where he can find suggested presentations.
    • Him him select a simple approach that is practical for the local territory.
    • Encourage him to feature the Bible in his ministry. After all that Bible study, the student still has to be enouraged to feature the Bible.
    • Rehearse together. Show him how to handle common responses tactfully.

    Preaching Together

    • Let the student observe you as you give the presentation that you prepared together.
    • Take into consideration the personality and abilities of the student. In some cases, it may be best to have him give only part of the presentation.
    • Help the new publisher establish a regular schedule for participating in the ministry.
  • truthseeker


    Part 4: Training Students to Prepare

    A student who reads the lesson beforehand, marks the answers, and thinks of how to express them in his own words makes rapid spiritual progress. Therefore, once a regular study has been established, prepare a lesson together to show the student how. With most students, it wil be helpful to prepare an entire chapter or lesson together. - km 12/04 p. 1.

    Part 10: Training Students in the House-to-House Ministry

    • Show the new student where he can find suggested presentations.
    • Rehearse together.
    • Let the student observe you as you give the presentation that you prepared together.

    The student is encouraged to answer up in his own words during the study, but is expected to use a suggested presentation and rehearse it while in field service.

  • Honesty


    Only Jehovah's Witnesses and their associates are bearing the fruits of the Kingdom by public proclamation. (Heb. 13:15)

    Ah yes,

    Shun your family and friends who are not JW's and never intend to become a member of the religion

    Shun your family members and friends who have left the religion

    Donate only to the WTBTS for Disaster Relief without asking how your donation will be utilised

    Do not donate to any charity

    Pass underprivileged people on the street and offer them pratical help in the form of WT publications

    Protect known pedophlies in your congregations from local authorities

    View other members of your religion with suspicion and distrust because they will tell the elders for some sin you may have committed..

    Make sure you look good to outsiders no matter how it affects individual members of your religion

    Disturb people on Saturday morning by waking them up before noon.

  • carla

    You forgot another contradiction- bible based beliefs & activities

  • blondie

    Interesting change in policy to be able to count a Bible study after only 2 contacts with the person. It used to be 3 contacts. This is one way of manipulating the statistics; I expect the number of studies conducted to increase dramatically.

    This information is more for the benefit of the rank and file who have disregard similar directives from the WTS re conducting studies. The WTS does not want the publisher to express their own opinion but only to respond using the WT publications and train the student to do the same. If you have a Bible question, don't run to the Bible but run to the WTS representatives, the elders, and the WT publications for your answers.

    Thanks, Truthseeker.


    I wonder if the OD book says something different?


    km 9/76 p. 8 Question Box ***

    Such systematic discussions can be reported as a Bible study after they have been held at least three times. (See Organization book, page 127.)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Blondie - I think they might still be saying three total studies - or maybe I have read it wrong. The first is a door step or more elaborate 'demonstation' - then followed by two more studies. Still three times before reporting it.


    The study may be reported when it has been conducted two times after the study

    arrangement is demonstrated and if there is reason to believe that the study will continue. km 7/04 p1

  • truthseeker

    posted with kind permission from Cygnus...

    You quote the 1953 Watchtower.... let me add what is said therein before your quotation:

    *** w53 4/1 p. 214 Doing the Work Approved by God ***

    As the early disciples of Jesus were gathered out and separated from unfaithful Israel to be a special people for God’s name, even so today men and women from all walks of life and from many tongues and nationalities have been called out of Christendom’s Babylonish systems to form a true Christian society, the nucleus of a new world society, if you please. (1 Pet. 2:9) They are still in this old world... they place their hope and trust in God’s kingdom and fervently pray for its complete and triumphal success at Armageddon... they go among the people comforting widows and bereaved ones in their affliction and warning the wicked of impending destruction... It is not a difficult task to recognize and identify God’s visible organization, for there are not many, not even a few, there is only one organization that is pursuing the above-outlined course, namely, Jehovah’s witnesses (NOTICE, lower-case "w" in "witnesses"). Inseparably associated with this widely known organization is its legal servant and governing agency, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Only Jehovah’s witnesses and their associates are bearing the fruits of the Kingdom by public proclamation.

    The people who formed this nucleus, if they were 35 years old when this Watchtower was released, would be 87 years old now! Not to offend the elderly, but the 'nucleus of the new world society' would be a group of people approaching their nineties? Also, if I'm not mistaken, at this time the WTS was teaching that only the "anointed remnant" were "Jehovah's witnesses" - that is why the last sentence mentions "their associates", who would be the "other sheep" or the "Jonadabs." Apparently at the time of this writing, in 1953, it was fully expected that the "remnant" would live through the great tribulation.

    No wonder the WTS is suing "Quotes." What could possibly be more embarrassing?


  • blondie

    Thanks AK. I remember how many "studies" ended after the 3rd contact.

    I remember some sisters that did the equivalent of a written review for their students and were told to back off by the elders since it was not "authorized" by the WTS.


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I went through the RCIA classes at the Catholic Church as I married a Catholic and wanted to know more about what she believed. I was really surprised at the difference in methods they used, but I guess that's the difference between a mainstream religion and a cult.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    They sound desperate to increase their numbers!!!

    This last meeting I attended, one of the speakers (an elder) said that if we visit a person for the second time and the person listens favorably at the door, that this person can be counted as a Bible study.

    Can you believe it???!!! How desperate is that!!!


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