Its very strange-----------------

by vitty 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    I think its cos for all those years we couldnt say what we thought, its a relief of years of pent up frustration. Sitting in a meeting thinking "That was a crap talk"

  • defd

    I must have missed that post---------------so can you say again why you dont spend time with JWs outside the meetings and have you been counciled about it ......just curious

    I wouldnt mention that you go onto this site in work LOL

    Vitty my last post was not for you it was for the two who was being s_ _ _ _ _

    The Elders cannot and really have no say as to who my friends are or are not. I mean they cannot counsel me for NOT wanting to hang out with the "FRIENDS" outside the Kingdom Hall. Vitty, I wouldnt be to worried if they did find out. I am not hiding it.

  • OldSoul


    I think the only ones who will wind up in here are the ones who caught on that it was a crap talk.

  • kid-A

    Im sorry, I hijacked this. BACK ON TOPIC:

    It is very strange. Sitting through meetings was torture, assemblies and service...even worse. But here I feel I have complete freedom to discuss the issues that were completely banned from discussing when I was a JW. Its almost like, all the things I wanted to express to them (my parents, elders, etc) were suppressed for years and years....when an outlet becomes available like JWD, its pure catharsis.....

  • gringojj

    I will entertain your Question!
    Defd do you spend more time with jws,doing jw things, or do you spend more time on this apostate board? Half and half?

    Defd please answer the question.

    Its very simple do you spend more time with apostates and worldy people who you are not supposed to be spending time with, or do you spend more time with the "friends" and other jws that belong to gods chosen org?

  • OldSoul


    You have made your point. We all know he likes us better. Our discussion aren't boring bouts of someone spouting a "truth" and everyone else nodding or clapping as triggered by placid minds unruffled by any new thought, and hardly any thought at all.


  • Crumpet

    My response to vitty's initial statement is that all the time we were JWs there was little or no freedom of expression. We could only say what we were taught to say. You couldn;t talk about the things that really trouble you or interest you. You had to suppress it and get on with saying only upbuilding stuff. It was so fake? If you can't talk about your real feelings then you aren't being genuine. Thats why being here is much more satisfying and encouraging and helpful than all the hours spent doing JW stuff. That's probably why defd hangs out here so much. Its his main chance to express himself truthfully in a way he couldn't at the hall.

  • defd

    I must say I agree with Crumpet to a degree. You do have to be careful what you say around some "FRIENDS" because they are so out there. But for me, I speak my mind and tell it like it is to the "FRIENDS"

  • gringojj

    Good for you Defd I am glad that you fell you can express yourself to the jws. Its very bad when you are afraid to say what you feel. Good for you!

  • OldSoul
    defd: But for me, I speak my mind and tell it like it is to the "FRIENDS"

    LOL! No wonder you don't hang around them much. I imagine they don't let you.

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