Hi guys, I'm new...

by bitemeWT 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bitemeWT

    I grew up in a "divided household" in Missouri. I suspect my mother had post partum depression when JWs knocked on her door. She fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I was raised having to go to EVERY meeting. I remember my parents fighting over religion when I was little. My dad finally just gave up and let her have her way. My mom was ALWAYS trying to get me to study the "publications" more. They just bored me. She started reading them outloud when I was in the room. It drove me NUTS.

    I was baptized at 16. Pioneered at 18. Moved to Arkansas in search of a "mate". Stepped down at 20 because my roommate found a letter that I wrote to my "worldly" boyfriend. Moved back to Missouri... then moved to California (still in search of a "mate"). Got df'd at 22, because I couldn't find a "mate" (THANK NED!).

    I still believed it was "the truth" for the next 12 years. Then came 9-11-01. I thought it was Armageddon. I went on the internet the next day. I finally figured out that it was all a lie and started my deprogramming. I look back now and wonder how ppl can live that way with all that control and no freedom what so ever. There is no way I could EVER live that way again.

    I've been a regular on "Tishie's board" ever since.

  • Gretchen956

    Welcome, bitemeWT! LOVE the screen name!!!


  • stillajwexelder

    welcome to the board

  • confusedjw

    Welcome BitemeWT, sounds like you have things pretty well figured out.

    Great finding out that you don't have to live under the black cloud of the impending Big A isn't it?

  • Momofmany

    Welcome BitemeWT.

  • Legolas

    ((((Welcome to the board))))

  • bitemeWT

    Gretchen... thanks! I use the term "bite me" quite often. It was all I could think of when I registered.

    Stillaex... thank you for the welcome!

    Confused... Yeah, It was like a big weight lifted off of me when I realized that I wasn't going to die at the big "A" just because I wasn't a JW. Then I realized that I WAS going to die eventually... still working on what I'm going to do about that. Been thinging about Christianity for a long time. Just don't know... I'm a realist.

  • Legolas

    So are you still in the states?

  • bitemeWT

    Thank you Legolas! Yes, I'm still in California. I miss Missouri A LOT, but I'm stuck here.

    Momofmany, How many do you have? I have three.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Welcome, Bite me. I'd love to see some big a$$ sea monster crawl out of the Atlantic Ocean and take a bite of Bethel. Preferrably the part where the gov bod and all their henchman reside.

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