by l3gi0n 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Confession

    Good question. Before I'd come to the conclusions I have--I'd say a little less than two years ago--there was a Watchtower study that indicated C.T. Russell had been chosen by Jehovah to start the ministry he did. This caught me by surprise because I understood WTS teaching to be that the organization was chosen only after Christ sat down on His throne (supposedly 1914) and later came to inspect his "belongings."

    "So which was it?" I asked a couple of my elder friends. According to them it was both. I could not follow their reasoning whatsoever. One even got that "deer in headlights" look. So evidently Jehovah chose Russell along about 1874--and then Jesus really, really chose those associated with the WTS *again* in 1919?

  • doofdaddy

    Cheers C

    That is a very neat way of separating from russells teachings eh?

    Find a "prophecy" that says jesus chose our faction and any who stay with russells teachings are just part of babylon the great

    Very clever.....

  • OldSoul


    The latest quote I could find in a study article similar to what you describe follows:

    w96 1/15 p. 15 Jehovah's Sheep Need Tender Care 4 Jesus gave the congregation "gifts in men," some as "pastors," or shepherds, who treat Jehovah's flock in a tender way. (Ephesians 4:8, 11; King James Version) One of these men was Charles T. Russell, the Watch Tower Society's first president.

    This makes the point you described, since Jesus supposedly gave C.T. Russell to the congregation prior to the congregation being chosen. C.T. Russell died in 1916, prior to the current understanding of the timing of "the inspection of the temple."

    I couldn't find any article matching your description within the last few years. I doubt one like this will surface again.


  • Confession

    Thanks, Old Soul... This very definitely came up sometime in the first few months of 2004. I thought it was a Watchtower article, but it may well have been something during our Bookstudy. Not sure how to go about finding it.

  • OldSoul

    Maybe on an updated CD? Mine only goes through 2003...I don't want to read every Watchtower from 2004 over again. Painful enough the first time through.

  • TD
  • TD
    when did the teachnig that jesus choose jehovahs wittness in 1919 start?

    It depends on what you're talking about. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Christ conducted an inspection and rewarded them, as the "faithful and discreet slave" by appointing them over "all the masters belongings." This belief sprang into existence long after the "fact." However if you're just talking about the belief that the Watchtower acted as God's channel, this belief predates 1919

  • M.J.

    I often wondered why Jesus had to choose some people he had already chosen--they were already supposedly His own BODY, his bride--the "anointed". Why was he lookin around? Was he lookin for another bride? But finally he happened to choose his bride to be the one he'd "give all his belongings" to. Good thing. It makes so much more sense now that I see it had to do with a split up of his "Bride", and identifying WHICH was the true bride and which were the "infidels". What a joke.

  • Finally-Free

    So, let's see if I have this straight.

    1. Jesus inspected all religions and discovered only the Watchtower was teaching the "truth".
    2. Jesus approved the Watchtower Society in 1919.
    3. The Watchtower receives many flashes of new light over the years and makes many doctrinal adjustments, meaning Jesus was mistaken when he performed his inspection. The Watchtower was teaching lies, just like everyone else.
    4. Jesus continues to approve of the Watchtower Society, even though they're teaching lies like everyone else.
    5. At Armageddon everyone had better believe the Watchtowers lies, because if they believe someone else's lies they will be butchered. "As manure on the surface of the ground they will become." Only the believers of the Watchtower's lies will survive this extermination.


  • Legolas

    Yep Finally you got it!

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