that religion is the cause of most conflicts?
are you of the opinion...
by Ellie 17 Replies latest jw friends
Most religions teach in the way of peace with humans and nature.....
remember there is confict and disagreements with everything like politics, human rights etc.
There is always a disagreement and there is anti-everything out there, so why single out Religion?
Hi Ellie,
I have turning over the same thoughts in my mind and read various thoughts on this. But one book that has really made me think more is "The End of Faith" - Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason by Sam Harris. Sam Harris is a graduate in philosophy from Stanford University.
He brings out some very important consideration for moderates within religion. Something I had not considered in trying to feel that all religions are ok. So if nothing else this book will make you think so you can decide for yourself if faith in a religious writings will be apart of your life. Can reason and faith in religious writings existed together?
Its not religion at fault, its ambitious men with power in mind that cause conflict! Men are naturally collectors of things and have some dumb inane need to think they are the best at their chosen mojo, regardless of its relevance or importance. They are more likely to get obsessive about it as well! Think beanie baby collectors of some years ago, i bet you the person with the most beanie babies in the world is a loser man, surounded by his vast collection!
Religion is just another thing to get obsessive about! -
Most religions teach in the way of peace with humans and nature.....
Most claim to teach peace, up until you express any disagreement, then all of the sudden "god" wants you dead.
All of the worlds greatest atrocities have been committed in the name of "god".
Kill them all and let god sort them out! -
Most claim to teach peace, up until you express any disagreement, then all of the sudden "god" wants you dead.
All of the worlds greatest atrocities have been committed in the name of "god".
Kill them all and let god sort them out!
not really.... I know Cults tend to teach that.....
eg. take buddhism for example... buddhism teaches about re-incarnation no death here...just a constant cicle of re-birth
Hindu teaches that the last thing you think of before you die is the thing you become in the next life...e.g. think of a dog before you die....that is what you become
God does not want you dead if you disagree alas look in the bible you would find that the prophets occationally disagree with God, like Jonah for example who was upset that God didn't kill those who were in Ninebah for their wicked ways.... God responded to Jonah's disagreement without anger and of cause his mercy and forgiveness spared those in the town of Ninebah
God would hate for anyone to die, he loves us but its our own freedom of choice to go against him
it goes one step removed from religion. it goes back to the need for man to escape reality by creating a mythology, then these two mythologies are in disagreement which causes anxiety in each as they have to denounce the other in order to protect their own mythology, thus conflict.
I believe humans are the cause - motives like greed, selfishness, control, power - and they use religion as the justification for conflict to gain what they want.
that religion is the cause of most conflicts?
History will bear this out add religion, mix in politics and add a dash of greed and pinch of power struggle and you have the making of much of the worlds problems, yes.