I will soon have to be offline. To those of you that knew of this, my friends, I'll talk atcha on email. Anyone who would like to keep in touch, my email is buggurlATgmailDOTCOM.
HL I don't know what I said/did, but I think you are one helluva awesome apostababe, and love ya, so please accept my apologies for whatever/whoever I did/am that offended you! You are AWESOME!
Troucul,,,, come home safe, do you hear me????? I mean that, dammit!
And I must say, to Frannie, you are one of my heroes, right up there with Maya Anjelou, and don't underestimate yourself as a wise womyn, okay? You are the best, we are not worthy of you. I love you!!!!
Terry ... I will miss you, and your unfailing search for truth ... you are a true innocent, and I love you for that. There is nothing I would like more, than to sit down and have a few dozen coffees with you!
xo to all, and I'll be around, so,,, LOL! this is not a 'I-am-leaving' thread, it's a just-in-case-you-miss-me thread! Love yas all!
(oops, it is Friday nite, so I will prolly be online till the first of the week, heheh)
tal & Blue