I have a problem with the idea of almighty god. Can somebody explain it for me? I mean if someone is almighty there are no limits what one can do, right? So for example, if god is almighty he/she can make a mountain nobody else can move, right? If god is almighty he/she can make a mountain he/she can´t move, right? But if god is almighty he/she can move whatever mountain, it just don´t make sense for me. Or have I missed something.
Almighty god ?
by lazyslob 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You may want to ponder on this Lazyslob - can I really call you that?
If an almighty God were to grant someone everlasting life, he would cease to be almighty, as he would no longer have control over life and death.
This means all everlasting life that is granted has to be conditional. This means it is negotiable at any time God decides the person is not pleasing him, so it is not everlasting at all.
These are the sort of difficulties that arise when we try to invent a deity in the image of man.
I like to think of it differently - God is Almighty in comparison to me. I of course can think up paradoxes (immovable mountain) but God doesn't solve paradoxes nor does He make them. Paradoxes by their very definition do not exist except as imaginary constructs in thought.
On a different note I believe we are all eternal - we cannot be destroyed (even by God.) I see the purpose of this life as to see who will take responsibility and want more - those who do will learn everything that God knows and hence become heirs with Christ to everything that God has and is - we will become as God those who don't will get whatever they were willing to accept.
Where did God come from? His Father - in an eternal round - according to my beliefs. This concept is laughed at by materialists and athiests (and to be fair the majority of christians) but the funny thing is (taking the view that God doesn't exist) when we become godlike through our future cleverness, when we are repeating genesis on other planets to make them habitable for our children to colonise, we will be the gods who do not know exactly who our 'father' is since the primordial slime / comets from space (or whatever we decide started life) didn't manage to keep a record. So either way we have no way of answering the ultimate question of how did we begin. -
This is the kind of conceptual trap that people put themselves into when they apply dualistic reasoning/thinking (the only kind of reasoning/thinking there is) to that which lies beyond the dualistic, which "god" must be. If "god" existed solely in dualism he would have limitations, and your question, therefore, would be a reasonable and one which might be adequately answered. If "god" were nondual then all possibilities exist.
Stop thinking about it or you will find yourself doubting the existence of god/gods.
Low-Key Lysmith
I for one find it laughable to believe that there is some some big Genie floating around in space orchestrating everything that happens.
Hey - lazyslob
Or have I missed something.
Yes! You have missed this thread and we miss you.
Can’t you manage any posts yourself, on this thread that you have started ?
Is that why they call you lazy slob?
This morning I called my wife a 'she-god' she liked it. As a human she-god she has her limits.
Golf -
I`m absolutely atheist.Was wondering if I had missed something because I get stuck with my thoughts. This question is pretty naive but it actually came to my mind when I was about 7-8 years old and it´s been bothering since then.I probably was listening at the meeting for once when this idea hit me. "Is that why they call you lazy slob?" Yeah I am a lazy slob. Been at the board almost daily since I don´t know when and posting less than 400 posts. Or is it because I have nothing to say? Lazy
Omnipotence doesn't include the ability to do what is logically impossible. An "almighty god" could not make a square with three sides, for example. By definition, a square has four sides. If it had three sides it would be a triangle, almighty god or not. Could he create an "immovable object"? Not if he is an "irresistible force". The existence of one logically precludes the existence of the other.