IMO, they are no different a form of entertainment than the gladiatorial arena fights of ancient Rome. I actually feel that they are more sinister because they attack people on an emotional level. Jerry Springer, Dr. Phil, The Real World, Survivor, Elimidate, all are full of nothing but catty, bitchy women and douchebag frat boys or people cheating on one another, or a panel of celebrity "judges" who do nothing but get laughs by ruthlessly insulting other people. I feel like I've been mentally sodomized every time I turn on the TV anymore. I don't want to believe it, but it reinforces the "people having no natural affection for each other" scripture. I think it's really sad that we as a people are reduced to getting our kicks watching someone get emotionally torn apart. I watched the "Paris Hilton" episode of South Park the other day and I couldn't believe how they had hit the nail right on the head by making the statement that society glorifies being a "Stupid Spoiled Whore". Maybe I'm just a stick in the mud, but I think it's really shitty to be entertained by someone else's pain, sorrow, or humiliation.
Reality TV and talk shows infuriate me.
by Low-Key Lysmith 16 Replies latest jw friends
I agree give me the History Channel or National Geograhic, Discovery any day
Low-Key Lysmith
Amen brother.
I quit watching Jerry Springer when they had a dude on there sleeping with his grandma. I mean is nothing sacred anymore? I cannot believe that show is still on the air. -
I really find Reality™ TV a complete bore-fest. I can't be bothered. There's rarely anything "real" about pitting people against each other in stupid competitions to see who can out-stupid the other players and win the huge prize. Some people will do the dumbest things for a chance to win a lot of money.
I much prefer A&E, History TV and anything involving forensics.
Low-Key Lysmith
Scully, "out-stupid" = bingo! LMAO!
Totally agree with you Low-Key. I've seen only one episode of a reality show and that was enough for me. I've never seen the Dr Phil show because whenever I've heard him talk, he always seems like a know-it-all jerk to me. Besides, Oprah loves him. I despise Oprah. Hate Jerry Springer too. I avoid that Maury Povich guy. I also hate soap operas and haven't seen one in over 30 years.
I do enjoy HGTV, History Channel, PBS, Discovery and Nat'l Geographic.
I have to agree-----those TV programs are the worst.
Years ago at a place that I worked the lunch area had a TV and all day long it was trained on Maury Povich and Jerry Springer.
The other day I was at home during the day, channel surfing. What do I see? The same TV shows that were on 5-6 years ago at the same time and the same topics! How sickening!
Maybe I'm just a stick in the mud, but I think it's really shitty to be entertained by someone else's pain, sorrow, or humiliation.
Whoa fella! Let's get you straightened out and quick.
I agree. I can't stand those type of TV shows. If some people's reality is like those shows this world is in a big mess. Well, I guess it is like that for many people and the world is a big mess.
Ken P.