Is it "OK" to take pictures at the Kingdom Hall?

by JH 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    A long time ago, when I was just starting in the "troof", I brought my camera to the hall, and I was taking pictures of just about anything there. I love taking pictures, so I wanted a few pictures of sexy sisters of my fellow witnesses and a few pictures of the hall to show my family.

    But, I had the impression that it wasn't ok to do that. I felt as if being new to the org, that they tolerated it so I never did that again.

    I know that in certain places, like government buildings or military installations, you're not allowed to take pictures.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    It's funny you should post this because just this weekend my dad brought me a CD of pictures from a Florida vacation we all took together. Well, there were also pictures from a party held at a new KH that was built for my mother's congregation. So on this particular occasion they didn't necessarily have a problem with pictures.

  • blondie

    JH, I did that too. It was popular to do that in this area. We traveled and we liked having mementos of the KHs and people we visited (we were sick I know). But unless you are in a country where JWs are "underground" there should be no problem taking pictures. Of course, every congregation's BOE can make their own rules, you know.


  • JH

    I was just wondering because if you took a picture of a parent spaking a wouldn't be to the advantage of the local congregation to have others see this.

  • JH

    I also wondered if it was ok to take pictures because I never saw anyone else do this.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Oh I see how you are. You throw a question out there to get a couple nibbles and then after a few of us have put in our two cents you tell us what your true mode of operation was. Now I bet your planning on turning your photos over to children services as evidence that JW's promote child abuse, huh?

  • blondie

    Children in the KHs I attended were spanked by mom in the women's restroom. I can see why your taking a picture there might be frowned on.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    My mom always waited until we got home and then she let me have it. It didn't take me long to realize that if I hurried up to my room I could pad my rear with a few extra pairs of underware. Boy, what a difference that made.

    I sure am glad there are no pictures of that.

  • La Capra
    La Capra
    But, I had the impression that it wasn't ok to do that. I felt as if being new to the org, that they tolerated it so I never did that again.

    Isn't it amazing, the power of nonverbal communication, particularly in high mind-control groups? You may have done something once that they frowned on, but by their body language, were able to send you the message to conform. I'm always fascinated by the examples of how these groups control some things without ever overtly controlling them.


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    There was a sister in my hall who was the resident photographer and would take pictures of every single visitor and speaker that stepped through the kh doors. She would also take a congregation picture once a year up on the stage, in addition to taking pictures at every congrgation function and party. She was incredibly annoying after a while. The pictures were kept in photo albums downstairs at the kh.

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