They have an explanation for that. They have an explanation for nearly anything you could bring up, given that you are just studying (I gather from your posts).
(1) They have no explanation for why they believe the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class (or group) of people. (Matthew 24:45-47)
(2) They have no explanation for why they teach that God's Organization is spirit-directed when no organization in the Bible ever was.
(3) They have no explanation for claiming God uses the Faithful and Discreet Slave "Class" exclusively as a conduit for "new light" (that is, new teachings that may directly contradict old teachings)
(4) They have no explanation as to why they teach that the "other sheep" of John 10:16 have a different destiny from the ones already in the fold, although the Scripture specifically states that the two groups of sheep are from different sources but have the same destiny.
If you study any of these points well enough to raise it with a Witness, they will ask you if you have been reading "apostate" material. They do not mean material that is not supported by Scripture, they mean material from a source that no longer believes that Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth. There are hundreds more porblems with their doctrines than these four above, but these four form the entire basis for their organizational authority structure. None of these are based on Scripture.