When I stubbed my toe last night and characterized a long-time poster here as still being an elder (for which I apologize), and then this morning, reflecting on the meaning of that, the question came to me:
What does it matter?
There have been so many "persons of authority"-- ministerial servants, elders, Bethelites, even district overseers (as I've heard)-- who have posted, and continue to post, on this discussion board. In some ways, do we tend to show them the same kind of deference we showed them when we were JWs? Is it really important who, or what, they were (or are)? In fact, wouldn't those who once "led the flock" (and that certainly includes me) be the most culpable, and the most worthy of disdain?...and the most expected to recognize and acknowledge their responsibility in that respect?
I'm not throwing darts at anyone here, for if I did, I'd have lots of blood on myself.
Isn't the "leveling" of the playing field one of the most helpful, and healing, aspects of the discussions we have here?
Respectfully to all,