On May 2, 1992, in one of the corners of the world, kept for a long period of time under the Serpent’s heel, took the place the first Congress of the True Jehovah’s Witnesses from Ukraine, Moldavia, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Hungaria and Romania.
1879--1929 Superior authorities--secular governments
1929--1962 Superior authorities--God and Jesus
1962--Superior authorities--secular governments. Since light advances, this group saw a return to old light as evidence of corruption of the headquarters.
In 1962, appeared the review "Subjection to "Superior Authorities"-Why?” which cleared up that Romans 13:1-7 referred to the political ruler who would protect Jehovah’s Witnesses from the Armageddon’s disaster and supported this with teachings from Russell’s time – 1884. These explanations didn't take in consideration the light period given by Jehovah. They ignored totally the gradual truth revealed to the house of faith. There could be mentioned many teachings that clear up Romans 13:1-7 but I think it is enough to mention the reviews: "Active Support of The True Faith" – 1948, "Give the Lord what He deserves", "Theocratic Authorities", "A Freed Mind for Goodly Combat” from 1950-1952", "This Means Everlasting Life", "Make Sure of All Things" etc. They established the fact as long as we admitted the political rulers as being the High Powers from Romans 13, we got dirty with the Devil's religion. Only with this truth, that Jehovah and Jesus are the High Powers, Jehovah’s Witnesses broke the fetters of the slavery where they had been kept to serve the interests of the earthly authorities. The Watchtower "High Powers", had given to the Christians, since 1928-1929, a clear truth and a part of the spiritual weapon with which they destroyed the religious story about the High Powers. And, if all these were made so that we could be enlightened, it would be unwise to incline again under slavery. (Galatians 5:1).
Between 1962-1963, it was made a change in the Society. What did Jehovah’s Witnesses have to do, being convinced that the contradictory things didn't come from Jehovah? The Watchtower "Be Friends All Those Who Love Jehovah", part 2, debates precisely the aspect described in 1 Kings 13:1-24 where the old prophet, living the man of God, said to eat and drink as he was told by God, too. This is the activity of the liar prophets. But Paul says that, even if an angel came from heaven to change the truth, this would have to be anathema.
The review "A Mind Freed for Godly Combat" draws us the attention in the last paragraphs in what concerns the organization's deifying, the tendency of serving the organization but not Jehovah. Today, this Society is getting worth. It cannot represent Jehovah, as long as facts like these are being done. Do we really have to be afraid in discovering the untruth? Is it fit for us to take the good for the bad and the bad for the good only because this was published by Watchtower? Is it fit for us to stay in this new-formed organization which changed the foundation we were used to? Will we remain silent when seeing that a compromise is being completed, knowing very well that something like that is not allowed to the Christians? What had Johnadab done when Jehu had taken him to be his help? Do we really want, “other sheep”, to help the meeting of “the true faithful servants” in the discovery of the untruth?