Hi everyone, I was sooooo happy to find this site the other day. I have been free and happy for a little over 6 years now. I too grew up JW, pioneered, blah,blah blah, until around the time I moved out. I had always hoped what I was doing was right but I always had my doubts. In high school I wasn't a perfect JW. I was the only one in my school and I wanted to fit in and have friends so I did. At 16 I got dunked mostly to please my mom, family and everyone. My brother was 2 years older and giving my mom a lot of he??. He was smart and stopped going to meetings, I was stupid and decided to just follow along because I didn't want to cause my mother any more grief. Afterall, she lost my father a few years earlier and was faced with trying to raise 2 teenagers on her own. Anyway, after I moved out I tried to continue but I could never cooperate on the only hang out with other JW's and no worldly friends thing. I've always believed in being nice to everyone and not judge them based on their religion or lack thereof. Got me into a lot of trouble with the elders. WHATEVER. I quit pioneering and started to fade. Never once did the elders call on me to see what was wrong until I married a non-JW. Then they were hot on my tail. Well, about 6 weeks after my wedding, my husband and I were in a car accident and he was killed. The family wanted me to come back to meetings and me being lost and suicidal, I went. I was immediately drug downstairs to have a meeting with the elders and put on PR. I was treated like I was DF by everyone in the cong. No-one gave a sh t that I just lost my husband, oh wait I take that back. I did get a call from the Sister that studied with my mother one night and she told me that's what I get for hurting JoJOba and marring a non-jw. I wonder what she did to jojoba because she lost 3 of her 4 children in a car accident years earlier. Well anyway after trying to do everything the WT way and still being treated like crap for 7 more months, I threw in the towel and gave up the dark side. Fast forward 6 years, I'm now happily married and have a 2 1/2year old and a 6month old. My mom no longer goes to meetings any more and the family that still love me talk to me. The rest of them I don't give a crap about. Sorry this was soo long, but as you all know it was much needed therapy. Have a happy Monday!!
another recovering exjw....
by knot4me 34 Replies latest jw experiences
Love the name. You have nothing to apologize for. Breathe free.
congratulations on finding this site, and welcome!
Im sure you will enjoy it here,
manymost have been thru hard times with the org and left.Im sorry you have been so much hardships, but im pleased things are working out for you now. Its not quite the "nashing of teeth" we were told it would be is it?
Welcome - enjoy the ride - alw
Phew what a ride!!
Gotta give the thumbs up to the loving christian cong full of wisdom and understanding....
You're in good company(mostly) here, welcome
Welcome to the forum Knot4me.
You have quite a story. You are among friends who know and understand what you've been through.
Nice, eh, to invite you back to the meetings so they could put you on pr. What a kindly yoke!
Congratulations on your life as it stands now.
AK - Jeff
Knot4me -
Welcome. You will find a lot of sharing and caring here. And the free therapy can't be beat.
Sorry to hear that those who CLAIM to serve Jehovah have done you that way. Jehovah is very saddened by that and deeply cares for you. Just remember that!
Defd are you speaking for Jehovah at this point? Are you the FDS?
Here we go again gring. Are you going to follow me around like a JEALOUS boyfriend AGAIN like the other day? LEAVE ME ALONE. I will be asking the forum adm to deal with this.