Even seen or read this booklet, anything about Christs return in 1914, 1874

by run dont walk 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OldSoul
    The Golden Ages are hard to find.

    Too many outhouses back then, not enough Sears and Roebuck to last the year...

  • TD
    Look at page 530 of the 1930 Golden Age. They didn't change over page numbers in each issue. I'm not sure which issue that would be. The Golden Ages are hard to find. Maybe someone on JWD can scan the page.

    I have it on microfilm. Maybe next time I'm at the library, I can use their viewer to print the page.

  • OldSoul

    TD <-- MICROFILM???

    Ever considered getting that converted to a digital format? I am sure there would be donations to that cause. I would contribute.


  • TD

    Yes, it used to be (10+ years ago) that you could contact the New York Public Library, explain what you wanted on microfilm and they would tell you how much it would cost. This was practically the only way you could get hold of Golden Ages, short of inheriting a library or paying collector's prices for originals.

    The last time I contacted them, (about 5 years ago) I got back a snippy reply informing me that they didn't do this anymore.

    I don't have all the Golden Age/Consolations by any stretch. (It was way too expensive and my interest at the time was blood/vaccination)

    I'm pretty sure that Research Applications International will come out with a Golden Age CD before too long.

  • Woodsman

    I checked out your documentation TD, nicely done. I put bookmarks in my copies of those publications. Great info Blondie. I'm new to the site but I can see why your complimented so often.

    The WTS's blatant attempt to decieve the rank and file and make it seem that the WTS was pointing to Christ's second presence in 1914 as far back as 1879 is telling. One doesn't need to lie to suppoprt the truth, so what does that say about what they have? It is a lie!

  • Leolaia

    TD...Interesting, cause I was just at the NYPL in June and inquired about making microfilm copies of old newspapers and what not...and they handed me a price list and instructions, so .... is it just with the Golden Age, or they weren't making microfilm reproductions at all?? I should dig up what they gave me and double check.

  • TD
    TD...Interesting, cause I was just at the NYPL in June and inquired about making microfilm copies of old newspapers and what not...and they handed me a price list and instructions, so .... is it just with the Golden Age, or they weren't making microfilm reproductions at all? I should dig up what they gave me and double check.

    Curiouser and curiouser...I had inquired about getting all the Golden Age / Consolations. The individual that answered the email said, (This is from memory) "We have discussed your request and decided against offering this service now and in the future." This person signed his email, "Tim Savage."

    I took that to mean that they were no longer offering the service at all, but maybe the refusal was more specific. (?)

  • OldSoul

    TD, they may be more open if you explained the real reason you want it...to make fun of it.

    or, maybe you did and Tim Savage is a WT plant trying to stymy efforts to get Library access to older pubs...hmmmm\


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