I am out of the borg now about two years - but can say that I still have no social group in my life to replace them. I participate in several activities that I consider social in nature - this board as example. I have some 'acquaintances', but no real social structure in my life. I have my immediate family - my wife and grandchildren are big parts of my life - for which I thank God daily.
While witnesses we could always count on 'ready made' friends - you could move to a new congregation 1000 miles away and in a week you were forming bonds with people of like thinking.
It just seems that the isolationistic nature of the organization has created a fear of social contact with others. I have not gotten past it entirley. I am healing - thanx to all of you - and this is not a cry for help - I am fine. But have others here felt a keen inability to know where to start in creating a new life for oneself outside of the 'truth'?
I have found it particulary difficult due to now being 50 years old - can't just see myself heading out to the bars and clubs at my age.