Think about everything you COULD have been doing while you were an active JW. And even if you weren't a "true believer", think of all the wasted time you put into the "truth"-----for nothing! Sucks, doesn't it?
Doesn't It Suck That You Got Scammed By The Witnesses?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Just so I learn from it. No point in crying over what can't be undone. As Malcolm Forbes said, it isn't too late until you're dead.
Think about everything you COULD have been doing while you were an active JW. And even if you weren't a "true believer", think of all the wasted time you put into the "truth"-----for nothing! Sucks, doesn't it?
I don't think it was a complete waste. I now have 20 years of experience in telling people lies while having a smile on my face. That's got to be good for something. Maybe I can start a career selling used cars.
I now have 20 years of experience in telling people lies while having a smile on my face
But that isn't really true, is it? At the time you believed it was true, so the telling of it was not wilful lying, surely?
Rather, you learned how to present what you believed in with a smile on your face.
It sucks that my poor great-grandmother got sucked in and scammed by the jws. She's dead now.
Yes it does.
But I don't think I would change anything about my past, it made me who I am today.
The good and the bad.
So you are glad you were a Witness??
Sure it sucks, but I was ripe to be scammed. I'm afraid it was just a matter of who got there first. I was amazingly naive and trusting...and for a while, being a JW provided me the framework and support I apparently needed as a newly separated, then divorced, mom of two young children.
I clung to becoming a baptised JW even through bad experiences working for other JWs. I wanted the bullsh*t to be true. Its too bad I was so dumb, but I can't blame the Witnesses for that and, really,most of them believe what they are peddling. I do blame the WTS for telling lies, but ultimately its up to me to make good decisions about what I choose to believe or what groups to belong to.
I've learned a tough lesson. Better late than never.
Maybe glad is not the word, comfortable is more like it.
I have no idea how I would have turned out if I was not involved in the cult a a child.
The one thing I am sure of now is that I am happy with who I am today and if being a dub for over 20 years has anything to do with that, then I am comfortable with that.
tall penguin does indeed "suck" as you say. Yet I've learned a lot and I'm better for the experience.