I know BUSH is not a popular president. I am a registered Independent, used to be a Republican, and I am not a huge fan of BUSH. In many ways I wish I had another choice in the last election, other then Kerry. Yet, I have an issue with the fact that politics in general are nothing but a blame game. Blame often put on people, without people even understanding the law or government structure. As an example, this brings me to what I want to ask ...
"Do you blame BUSH for the mess that happened in Louisiana?" Personally, in the beginning, I did. I thought it was crazy that they could not do more when all the information was right there on the news. I was almost yelling at the television, "send in the national guard!" Yet I can honestly say that I am not someone who knows all the detail of the law in every situation, natural disasters, etc. I think in some cases, we have been misinformed from the Hollywood movies that show events that are not really possible. So in the aftermath, I have learned what the governors responsibilities were and what the mayor of New Orleans responsibilities were. In all honesty, I think now that the failure belongs partly on the federal government, but mostly on the local government. What shocks me, is that people actually think it is all BUSH. Which is done of course out of political games, which is to be expected. Yet, if you really want to know the answers, look and do not believe only the media. BUSH is often shown to be someone stepping on our rights, with the Patriot Act being the main reason. Yet if BUSH would have sent in the national guard, without following the law of how much power is given to the local and state government, he would have been doing that. I think many people forget that the name UNITED STATES is not just a title, but a description of how our government is run and organized. The PRESIDENT is not a king, dictator, etc. in the law and with that I have a hard time just throwing 100% blame on BUSH, like I hear so many people doing. There is plenty of blame to go around.
... What to you think, do you blame BUSH?