curiosity might prompt you to viisit a chat room that CLAIMS to be a place where Witness youths from around the world can make new friends.
harbor insidious dangers for Christians
some of these people started disparaging our beliefs..they were really apostates..deliberately tried to undermine the morals
false brothers
stealthy methods often used by apostates
"sneaked in" "slipped in"
Note this:
This journal, as well as other material produced by Jehovah's Witnesses (Awake of December 8, 2004, pages 18-21), has repeatedly warned of this particular danger. There anyone you meet in a chat room ostensibly set up for Jehovah's Witnesses is, at best, a person who disregards such counsel. Do you really want as friends those who choose to downplay Bible-based direction?--Proberbs 3:5,6; 15:5
Trap of Isolation
missed meals
spend time chatting online, you must buy out time frm some other activity...homeork or your household chores...communication with your family...virtually stopped talking to my family.
The strangers you meet in many chat rooms are unlikely to encourage you to live by the practical wisdom found in the Bible...encourage you to seek selfish interests and will tempt you to break free from Christian moral standards.