It's very stressful for JWs that follow the rules as the WBTS would like them too. Just think....
- Must work to support self/family (most likely full-time; since the WBTS frowns on higher education, most have these really hard/physical jobs).
- 5 meetings per week (Get there at least 15 mins early and stay 15 mins later so you can be friendly to all).
- Must prepare/study privately for those 5 meetings per week.
- Must have private Bible study with chil(ren) in order to indoctrinate in the WBTS' ways.
- If male, extra time devoted to congregational privileges.
- Must participate in field preaching at least 2x per week, in order to maintain the national hours average.
- Memorial
- 3 yearly assemblies.
- Throughout all these, maintain a joyful facade or else you're not serving Jehovah as one should.
This religion is very taxing financially, emotionally, physically and time wise.