defd is the reason that we don't want to live forever in pair-o-dice ... who'd want to put up with a bunch of JW jerks for an eternity?
Ok mrsjones lets go..........................................
by defd 40 Replies latest social humour
no I'm saying that Mama needs help, preferably from the father(s) she made the kids with. If she doesnt have that then she needs a strong male figure who will stand in for the father(s).
I give it up to single mothers, because it is a hard job to do alone. I wouldnt wish that on anyone.
I give it up to single mothers, because it is a hard job to do alone. ; I wouldnt wish that on anyone
So do I Jose' but they are single Mothers for a reason.
and your point is?
Howe come defd doesnt have an avatar?
good question
Howe come defd doesnt have an avatar
I do but have decided NOT to put it up for all to see. Kinda like for the same reason Moses covered his face with a bag after he came down from MT Sinai Exodus 34: 31-35
Ok I see. Defds decision to not show his avatar is supported scriptually.
Defd, come on, man, put up an AVATAR.....dont be a weenie......
I do but have decided NOT to put it up for all to see. Kinda like for the same reason Moses covered his face with a bag after he came down from MT Sinai Exodus 34: 31-35
Read that account from your bible FIRST and I might!