It took me a bit of reading through some posts to realize that this site is exactly what I have been looking for, for such a long time!! People to share my blown away realization I experienced after I quit going to the meetings and went against my mother! It feels great to see people who have gone through and felt the same as I and who have taken the steps to change their life. Keep up the good work everyone and I can't wait to have some great conversations with you all. : )
I am not alone!!!!!
by Krisiva10 35 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, how long have you been out?
Big Dog
No, you are far from alone, welcome to the forum.
Sam the Man
You are not alone. Here you will learn great things. Welcome!
Welcome to the board!
You are right, you are not alone in your decision to leave this religion. Hard is definately and understatement when trying to describe leaving. But you are on the right track and I hope you are on a better path to happiness in your life. Good things do happen and God has not abandoned you because you have left this region. And always remember there will be people who can help, support and listen to anything you have to share.
((big hugs))
Post to your heart's content. If anyone posts to you with an objective of trying to dissuade you from posting here, please notify an Administrator or Assistant.
OldSoul -
Joel Wideman
Welcome! Please share your story with us. :)
So nice to see you here! You are absolutely not alone here... everyone has a story to tell. We understand what you're going through, and there are lots of people here willing to help you through it.