Corrupt WT Doctrine

by XBEHERE 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Doesn't stuff like this just make you sick. I can't believe how brainwashed I was.

    An excerpt:

      1. A rather stunning observation Jehovah’s Witnesses have simply missed, is that while they argue YHWH was removed from the New Testament, and we have no evidence of its use, the oldest Hebrew version of the Old Testament retains YHWH in all 7000 places. So the actual manuscript evidence for the divine name YHWH used in the Old Testament is 100% intact, but 100% corrupted for the New Testament. If such a conspiracy really existed to remove YHWH from the Bible, why would they only remove it from the New Testament manuscripts and not the Old? The answer is because Jehovah’s Witnesses are false apostate teachers who trust the manuscripts of their Watchtower magazine more than the manuscripts of the Bible.
      2. So in the end the Watchtower proves itself to love its own agenda of false doctrine so much, that it will question the accuracy of the original Greek manuscripts of the Bible before it will question itself!
      3. So Jehovah’s Witnesses are prepared to teach the Bible is corrupted, rather than change their doctrine!
    1. mrsjones5

      amazing aint it?

    2. daystar

      Hmm, I actually knew that YHVH was not in the original NT when I was a JW, through JW teaching. I believe there was some typical JW rationalization for it though.

    3. integ

      "Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class?"

      1) Good Question

      2) Who cares?

      3) If a "slave" is not greater than his master, than why are we supposed to believe this"slave" over all others?

      4) The WTBS', and it's self appointed "Holy Ones" have failed to prove that they are this "slave" anyways.


    4. Honesty

      Sincere JW's are being duped by the apostate WatchTower Bible and Tract Society into denying both God's Word and Jesus with the cultic doctrines they so freely espouse to the uneducated and unknowing peoples of the earth.

    5. NeonMadman

      The thing that I find really amazing is that, while JW's believe that the New Testament manuscripts - all of the surviving ones - have been universally corrupted by the removal of the divine name, we are still supposed to believe that, nonetheless, everything else in those manuscripts has come down to us exactly as it was written. You can't have it both ways.

    6. daystar
      have been universally corrupted by the removal of the divine name, we are still supposed to believe that, nonetheless, everything else in those manuscripts has come down to us exactly as it was written. You can't have it both ways.

      Oh they try very hard to though. Any reasoning at all is used only sparingly, and only when it serves to support an already pre-conceived notion about something. And then the logic behind the reasoning goes back into its hole, since it would be ridiculous to use the same logic on similar sorts of arguments now, wouldn't it?

    7. jstalin

      Wow.. never heard this info before. Very interesting.

    8. Mysterious

      You would think if God was so concerned with making sure that his word reached us intact...he would have wanted his own name to be preserved in it even more so? Yet men managed to remove that part of the manuscript. Where does that leave us? It was preserved by the fanatical acts of men, not divine protection.

    9. garybuss

      This is an awesome thread. It needs to be on top for a while. This is my contribution to that goal.
      Good job! Thanks!

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