Very interesting discussion....
I have absolutely held the belief that I am NOT bitter. Of course, I'm not DF'd, either, and I figured that that's why. But my friends are avoiding me, my husband is pulling away, and still, I have not felt bitter at the situation. In general, I try to have a positive attitude, and have tried to be grateful for the many years with great friendships that I have had.
This past few weeks, though, I have come to the realization that I have literally turned off my emotions, to deal with my current situation. I didn't even know that it was possible to do that, honestly... not to the extent that I have, anyway. The realization came when I allowed my emotions to come back ON, and I started to fall apart. I am angry... I am sad.... I am upset.... I am bitter. And I hate not being in control of my emotions. But at least I have some now....
I'm not going to get too philosophical, because I haven't figured anything else out yet.... LOL.