OK! I've just been reading the November the 1st Watchtower and its article on Contributions that Warm God's Heart!
It likens the contributions received by the WTBTS as those given to rebuild God's temple in Jerusalem! The sheer cheek of the comparison!
Anyway it lists how contributions are used:
Construction of KHs, Assembly Halls, Branches and International volunteers in full time service.
The figures that it gives for the building work does not cover a time period but says they have built 2180 KHs, 15 Assembly Halls and 10 Branches. They have 2342 volunteers.
It also covers Publishing.
Over 47 million Books. 6 834 740 Booklets. 167 854 462 Brochures. Nearly 5 and half million calenders. Magazines comes to 1 179 266 348. Tracts 440 995 740 and videos 3 168 611.
Special Full Time servants are:
Missionaries 2635
Travelling Overseers 5325
Bethelites 20 092.
Finally, I have not mentioned DISASTER RELIEF!
It says:
In these last days, disasters often strike without warning. many of Jehovah's witnessses make extra contributions so that THEIR BROTHERS IN STRICKEN AREAS can be helped. As a reminder, contributions for disaster relief are administered as part of the worldwide work. Following are some of the places where Jehovah's Witnesses have helped disaster victims:
Africa, Asia, Caribbean region. Islands of the pacific
No figures are quoted for the above disaster relief!
Then Ways in which some choose to Give
Contributions to the Worldwide work. It suggests that 'Many set aside, or budget, an amount tha they place in the contribution boxes labeled 'Contributions for the Worldwide Work' - Matthew 24-14
Conditional- Donation Trust Arrangement - Money place in trust with the WT for use world wide which upon request will be returned.
Charitable Planning - Outright gifts of money-
Insurance - The WT is named as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement pension plan.
Bank Accounts - Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to the WT, in accord with local bank requirements.
Stocks and Bonds - Stocks and bonds may be donated to the WT as an outright gift.
Real Estate - Salable real estate may be donated either by making an outright gift or in the case of residential property,by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate.
Gift Annuity - A gift annuity is an arrangement whereby one transfers money or securities to a designated corporation that is used by JWs. In exchange, the donor, or someone designated by the donor receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. The donor receives an income tax deduction for the year in which the gift annuity is established.
Wills and Trusts - Property or money may be bequesthed to WT by means of a legally executed will, or WT may be named as beneficiary of a trust agreement. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages.
HEy! You know what! There's a charitahble planning to Benefit Kingdom Service World Wide Brochure available!
This is so - 'After reading the brochure and conferring with their own legal or tax advisers, many have been able to help support the relisious and humanitarian activities of Jehovah's Witnesses world wide and MAXIMISE THEIR TAX BENEFITS WHILE DOING SO.' (Capitals are mine)
Cunning as vipers or what!
The whole article is enough to make you puke. Interesting to see that their humanitarian efforts only go as far as their 'brothers'.
Any one else 'slightly irritated' by this crap?!