Mrs GringoJJ
You have a wonderful husband that loves you very very much. I have come to respect his love for his family, and his wonderful wit!
I appreciate your fear of "what if they are right?" especially with children.
The sad thing is, they are not right. I was a teen when Armageddon was supposed to hit in or shortly after 1975. I was pulled from HS to go into the ministry in 1973. Armageddong didn't happen. If you ask the average JW, most don't remember. It will take someone in their late 40's or 50's to remember that debacle. It was a WT article in 1967 that published the date, along with other publications. The information is here under the Best Of section. Also, you may wish to check out for more WTBTS information on 1975. There was a man on the GB that started the slogan "Staying alive until '75!".
And that is just the latest of failed predictions that date all the way back to 1874.
Check out Deut. 18:20-22. But of course JW's and the WTBTS claim NOT to be prophets, yet they claim to be the mouthpeice of Jehovah. Is'nt tha what a prophet is? If they are the mouthpeice of Jehovah, how is it that they are wrong on Armageddon? What do they keep coming up with "new light" to cover up their "old light"?
I don't doubt that things in the world seem, and are, really bad right now. Part of that is that we now have instant communication around the world and know within minutes of the things happening. The world has had bad times in our past, too. WWII was horrible. WWI combined with the Spanish Influenza was devastating. And these things happened in the worlds history too, with the black plague, the crusades, etc.
But the wars and rumor of wars, pestilence, etc., as set out in revelations has been a regular occuarance on our planet for centuries! Millenia! That is part of the nature of this marvolous living planet we inhabit. Wars Pestilence Disease, all relate to the Humans here,... not to the animals. I believe it's a human's perspective.
I appreciate your fear and confusion. Especially now that your mother is coming to take you to your new congregation. Keep your eyes and mind open. You will see and hear what you need to.
With loving respect
Brenda Cloutier