the bible is a serious book.
and the bible is a set of instructions set before mankind. i believe being disfellowshipped the second time here makes me feel upset. it would make anyone hurt frustrated or mad. angry looking searching for answers which i am gonna be reading tonite. i have a bible on my bedside. I think that when things are unfair in the society it's not because of jehovah. it's because of imperfection.
there's always 2 sides to every story. take everything as a grain of salt. That is except the bible it's self. I was mad and angry with the elder body who dfd me again.. for the second time. telling me i never learned my lesson. i knew i hadn't and until i was disfellowshipped again i hadn't understood the lesson until i started readling these messages boards and until i started telling all my X jw friends. and anyone who would listen about the upheavels at bethel..
Imperfection. i trust that everything has it's purpose. even the apple seed. the chicken or the egg. subjective. I think that we all have to do a self examination and stop bickering with How our life is now. and try to focus on what life is really about. why we cant stop talking about this. who's right, who's wrong, whos' evil, who's a molester, who's 144.000, who's dfd, who's still in who's still out.
And hearing all these words and knowing about the word of god. and i know fornication is wrong when your not married. and iam not married. and i have to change alot about my life. i won't do it over night. but it doesn't help to obsess what he or she said on these boards. or what brother branch did. or sister headstrong. or pioneer perfection said. We all hold accountabilty living in the last days. make everyday count and my jehovah bless your choices... love you all you know I do..
greatest commandments
Love your neighbour as yourself.
and love jehovah god with your whole heart and mind..
take care of yourself.. dont be stumbled by a few goats or false prophets..ttyl i had fun on this board..