But bad spelling gives people a reason to feel superior to us.
For all you bad spellers out there.
by stevenyc 32 Replies latest jw friends
I don't feel the need to soar to any high levels of language here. It's not English class, damnit! Give me s plit infinitives and d angling participles. I love it!
Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt
Only to snotwads.
Only to snotwads.
If you've got something to say about snotwads, you can say it to my face!
I do think it is important, without proper spelling and punctuation how can you be sure that you have been understood by your reader?
Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but that doesn't stop me from making the effort for anybody who takes the time to read what I have written.
Darth Yhwh
Im such a bad spellar that if I'm typing a long post I'll use MS Word, spell check it there and past it to the forum. LOL.
Hey Steve,
Thanks for reminding me. Not that I use the spell check, cna't spell for nuts. But I love having the google toolbar, forgot to load in onto my new laptop.
Leah, google freak.
This is a rediculous thread ;)
It may well resolve they're spelling problems, but I suspect their will still be grammatical and usage errors in there posts.
OldSoul -
It may well resolve they're spelling problems, but I suspect their will still be grammatical and usage errors in there posts.
Eloquent as ever