Its nearly Xmas

by Ellie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    Well, its almost Xmas, I personally can't wait.

    Whats everybody up to,and to make it more fun, whats the most embaressing thing you've ever done at a Xmas party???

  • Jordan

    Well, last Xmas, I got wasted at work's party, I ended up confessing my undying love to one former member of staff, and fell off of my chair several times, and got back together with my ex girlfriend, who, for some reason was outside the shop when we left to go to the party. It's all a little hazy.

    As for actual Xmas celebrations, I've gotta say I haven't really gotten into it, I guess it's because Xmas itself is a time for families to be together and my family are mostly still dubs... I don't mind though, it means my limited budget can go further when buying presents for people.

  • Purza
    whats the most embaressing thing you've ever done at a Xmas party???

    I was 18 and attended my first company xmas party with my worldly boyfriend. I had three long island ice teas and my boyfriend had to literally carry me out of the restaurant. I don't think I was embarassed at the time, but looking back I am sure I looked pretty stupid. Funny thing about that party -- one of the girls there had a JW friend of mine babysit her kids. The girl happened to mention I was at the party and all hell broke loose when she told me I had to tell on myself. At least it was fun while it lasted.


  • kid-A

    This year I am doing ALL my x-mas shopping online! Cant handle the "mall" culture this time of year!! LOL

  • Tigerman

    Yeah, and it's almost Christmas too !

  • Es

    I have already started my chrissy shopping i have a busy next month with the wedding at all. So i decided to get most of it out of the way. Im so looking forward to putting the tree up with my son and then on christmas we go off the my fiances family for the day and eat,drink and be merry


  • fairchild

    To be honest, I don't like the "holidays" and I'm always happy when they are over. I don't have family around at all. Friends do invite me to their parties, but I don't like to intrude in other people's family get togethers. LOL, I guess the JWD secret santa thing will be the highlight of my holidays.

  • bikerchic

    Hey Ellie I can't wait either! Lots of X-mas's to make up for missing and I really get into the whole spirit of it.

    Whats everybody up to,and to make it more fun, whats the most embaressing thing you've ever done at a Xmas party???

    I'm happy to say I have most of my X-mas shopping done and was able to get all my kids something this year. We usually do a Secret Santa so it's not so expensive, but this year I was able to get everyone a little something to put under the tree and even though we will probably do the Secret Santa thing it will be nice to give a surprise gift to everyone!

    X-mas is also our wedding anniversary so it's double the fun for us!

    I haven't been to a X-mas party yet but I think between hubby and I we will have a couple to go to this year with our work. I'll probably be the one wearing the lampshade and dancing on the table.....NOT!

  • Beachbender

    I don`t actually like the shopping part of it at all!! But I do love the family get together time and enjoying all the great food everyone puts their heart & soul into making!! Yum!!

  • daystar

    I haven't seen Hibiscus on here for a while, but I half expect her to comment here in fury.

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