I have just listened to a Radio programme on the BBC about parasites, which it made my flesh crawl.
Imagine a parasite that invades an ant, but which does more than feed from its bodily nutrients, it interferes the ants nervous system. It does this to cripple the ant. Why do that? It must infect a bigger animal, a grazing herbivore, and for this, it must disable its host above ground during the warmth of the day. When the ant's body gets to daytime temperature it attacks the nerves, crippling it. The crippled ant gets eaten by the herbivore and the parasite continues it lifecycle from inside the herbivore. But more often nothing happens to eat it. So to increase it chances of reproduction, later in the day, the parasite releases its grip on the ant's nervous system, allowing it to return to the nest until the next day. Well this isn't imagined, you guessed it's real.
I don't want people throwing up on their keyboards, so I haven't mentioned human parasites. I don't even have any great point to make here. I simply want to thank God for these marvels of his superlative parasitic creativity. As He joked with Adam after the fall, "next time you bite an apple, son, check for worms"