I can't help thinking that if I had never gotten baptized out of loyalty and fear of disappointing my parents (and fear of having my flesh eaten by birds of prey after being destroyed in Armageddon), I would not be in this situation. I have several family members and former friends who were raised as JWs, but never got baptized, and they never have to experience the angst and pain that I have to experience. I was baptized and never dedicated my life. I wonder if I could retract it somehow. Probably not. They should make provisions for people to admit that they skipped the "dedication" step, so that they can be considered the same as people who were never baptized. Like amnesty. Wishful thinking, I know.
I wasn't even my choice...should it count?
by findingmyway 22 Replies latest jw experiences
I was one of the lucky ones who never got baptized....but I agree, they should offer a "baptism annulment".....
I was just talking to my sister about this. I did not get df'd or da'd so my parents and she still talk to me. However, I am not an active jw and have made it abundantly clear that I will NEVER go back and why. She admitted that if I was df'd she would shun me. It is a mere technicallity that I am not df'd so how come they get to talk to me? Mind you I prefer it this way, but just wondering..
I agree, I would like a baptism annulment for myself! How could I have possibly known what I was really doing at age 12?
I was baptized at age 12 also. Even if I hadn't been been baptized I think my family would shun me, since the dubs hate gay people so much.
How about this one: My cousin was never baptised but got put on PR when she was in high school for sleeping with a boy. She had to attend all meetings and try to earn he privaleges back just like as if she were baptised. And whats worse is in that cong. if you are on PR you are treated as a Df'd person.
Oh Chris, that sucks. I don't shun you, I LOVE GAY PEOPLE and always have.
knot4me, thanks. When I left the dubs I had no idea there were so many straight people who don't hate gay people. There definitely are some stinkers, but it seems like there are a lot of people who accept us the way we are. The fds sure tells a lot of lies about gay people. Thank goodness there're just lies. Thanks again.
Joel Wideman
*cough* Song of Solomon *cough*
Chris, I sent you a Pm. Joel, please excuse my nieveness, but what does "song of soloman" mean?