What if jws were given polygraphs?

by gringojj 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • gringojj

    What would the results be like for questions like "have you ever doubted your religion"?

    How about "do you believe your worldly husband will be killed at armageddon"?

    What if the wts decided to use polygraphs on all dubs to test thier faith?

    What are some other good questions you would ask a zealous dub?

  • Tigerman

    How did the WTS become so wealthy and powerful ?

  • OldSoul

    Can you clearly explain why Daniel 4 has a second fulfillment using only the Bible?

    Does it disturb you to know that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated joined the UN/DPI for 10 years, from 1991 to 2001?


  • OldSoul


  • tfsm

    the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated joined the UN/DPI for 10 years, from 1991 to 2001?

    They what? I'm sorry, I haven't kept up with the dubs in the last fifteen years or so. What does the above mean?

  • Aude_Sapere

    tfsm -

    You can reference under 'Scandals'.

    The WTS was an NGO Member of the UN for about 10 years before cover was blown by some posters here.

    This is a recent thread but there are many VERY interesting ones if you search archives here.


    Also, go the UN website and search "Watchtower". You will find a letter from the UN itself.


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    I believe that many would be able to pass such a test, even though they know they are lying. Learning theocratic warfare is great training for it.

  • tfsm

    I don't even know what to say. For years I had to listen to all of that crap about the UN. Sheesh.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Polygraphs are completely and utterly useless. There's good reason why courts exclude such tests. They do not detect lies, they detect nervousness--simple as that. A good lier is a good lier and can defeat a polygraph easily.

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    And a person can wrongly fail a polygraph.

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