Disastrously dysfunctional JW Family's (mine was) "Children grow up to be the love they have known" Home is where the heart is,OR home is where the hurting is? "They think it's fun to eat their young" http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/73489/1.ashx 80% of Jdub kids leave the 'troof'. OR live double lives Because Jehovah's Witnesses are a dog-eat-dog destructive cult of mindless cannibalism.( I have 33 years experience 3rd generation]
DO said:
by googlemagoogle 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe the 'Tower wants the 80% to leave. Those 80% are not important, and in fact that 80% are dangerous because they could bring new ideas and thoughts into the Org and weeken the central control. It is best for the Org if they leave. It is more important to them to keep the 20% absolute, hard-core believers and to brainwash 'em good. It is the quality of the cult member, not the quantity.
Then blamed the family "heads" for not having an effective family "study" and for not "inculcating" the "truth" into their spawn.
I hate that. They blame the parent(s) when the kids grow up and leave. It's never their fault.
I left because their teachings were all messed up!
My poor mother beats herself up everyday since my brother and I both left. She constantly says "if I had only applied the slave's advice!"
My mother worked 12-15 hours a day, everyday. She came home tired, hungry and agitated. The few attempts she made at conducting a family study, we didn't make it easy on her. I felt bad but at the same time I made it known to her that I was not pleased by this arrangement and that I wasn't willing to just swallow bullshit. I had known for a long time that there were some serious issues with Watchtower doctrine, and I was more than prepared to debate several of those issues.
She was so worn down that she never pushed the study on us. Besides it was doubly hard since my father was a non-believer and would ridicule us everytime we sat down at the kitchen table with our books out. "Fucking religious idiots" he would say. How in the world could I be expected to "rejoice" in my youth under those conditions? That along with some other things is why I gave the WT the big boot. The elders in our congregation were of no help to us at all. We were outcasts at home and at the Kingdom Hall.
I have helped three out in two weeks.
OldSoul (of the "Doing My Part" class)
I guess the kids in my congo are just too spineless to make a stand...
it's hard to grow a spine when growing up in the "truth". and it's even harder when you first realize that. -
Paranoia playbook
My early childhood primer and my first'coloring book': http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2919/night.html click here http://sutterlies.tripod.com/truebelievers.htm The Watchtower's,"gallery of the grotesque" More spooky stuff!http://www.voccoquan.com/brightwell/jehovah.htm check out her blog More on Jehovah's Witnesses 'n da "birds".
Watchtower leader Fred Franz sez: "..there 'R seven birds for every human."When Freddy was asked about the estimated 1 billion or so small children who will be 'bird food' because they don't attend the kingdom Hall meetings and go door to door with their parents selling Watchtowers.Freddy said; "..well LITTLE NITS they grow up to be BIG NITS.." -
I remember my mom trying to have that "family bible study" with me every week. Gheezz... what a joke. We went to meetings 3 times a week, we pioneered for goodness sakes, and she still wanted to sit down with me every week and study MORE ???????
Auck.... too much bible studies.