PO in my old congregation didn’t like me from the moment he moved into our congregation (have no idea why). I remember him purposely ignoring me when I’d raise my hand to answer questions at meetings. I asked him why and he said he wasn’t sure I was a brother or not. When my ex-wife and I were having problems he believed every lie she told him. Years after my divorce when I had determined that I was free (according to WT standards) to find another wife he and his cronies said I wasn’t. I brought in the CO and DO and copies of WT articles proving my position and the BOE had to reverse their decision and I thought this would settle the matter, which it did not. I left his congregation and later became engaged to a sister. When the old PO found out he called the PO in her congregation and asked him to tell her not to marry me and to call him if she needed to know why not. Fortunately for me she had seen enough of this type thing in the past to not be misled and therefore married me anyway. A lot of other things untold came down from this same PO.
The PO mentioned above later had problems in his life, like being fired from jobs several times and suffering financially. His oldest son (a pioneer and MS at 18) committed fornication with a married pioneer sister and was subsequently DF’d. This son made it very clear that he wouldn’t be coming back. I know this sounds unchristian but guess what, his misfortunes (PO’s) make me very happy.