How do you keep them from bothering you?
Other Than D'Fing or Disassociating, How Did You Get JWs To Leave U Alone?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
Threaten to hurt one of them. I said to one of the ministerial servants that was bothering me while I was at work "Y'see that guy over there" I pointed to my rather large colleague "Well, he's a black belt and I will get him to throw you out of here arse first, if you don't leave me alone" Next thing I know they cross the street to avoid me when they see me coming. Job Done.
1. We moved. No forwarding address or phone # to congregation members. We pretended we were just regular folks when they called on our doors in service.
2. We moved back in the territory - they called on us the day after we took possession of the house. ACK!! Told them we weren't interested. They still called from time to time.
3. Put a sign on the door that says NO SOLICITING, NO PEDDLING, NO PREACHING. It works quite nicely. Doesn't rule out social visits, but makes it clear that we don't wish to discuss religion with anyone.
I like the no preaching sign. And suggesting violence can work too, I'm sure.
No problem with some; not attending meetings makes you poison. If you were high profile (such as an elder) if may be harder. There are always those JWs that want to catch you doing something bad so cruise your neighborhood.
I think those who have children and JW parents find it hard. Those JW grandparents want to maintain contact with the grandchildren and save them from dying eternally at Armageddon. Some will try to make liars and deceivers out of the grandchildren, undermining the parents authority.
Haven't had anyone call on us yet. Just left some old issues in the door.
Otherwise, just wave, smile and keep walking the other direction.
I moved and changed my phone number, which worked for a while, and when they tracked me down again I told them, not very politely, to stay away, and they mostly did, apart from an annual memorial invite
They gave up
Jesus said not to give up, but they gave up anyways
I can't GET JW's to pay attention to me. One or two questions, and they fade like vapour in the wind. Or maybe I just don't count, being a woman and all
Maybe JW's are like cats. They purr and run between your legs if you are allergic, and run away from anyone pursuing them.
Just ask wasn't armageddon supposed to have happened by now, usually sends them scurrying. Other than that, invite them in and casually mention all the virgins you've been sacrificing, you know, as one of those evil worldly people they've heard all about.
The only ones I want to leave me alone is the Elders. At our last CO visit, the CO and an Elder came to my house for an "encouraging visit" I simply asked the CO questions about "who is our mediator? "Why did the society change the announcement for D/F and D/A persons? Was it because the society doesn't want the congregations to figure out that more are D/A themselves. Why? I mentioned the $700+ million that the society made (was donated to) last year. During his visit he spoke of simplifying our lives. I told him that we have to work hard to keep a home or to have health insurance. We could really simplify if we stopped feeding him and housing him and paying for his health insurance. He gets it all paid for. We do not. After several hours he left. Havn't heard from an elder since.