Surgery Sucks!

by whyamihere 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    So glad to have you back babe i missed ya heaps. So sorry to hear what you had to go through, sounds terrible but you sound like your a fighter and bouncing back quite well.



  • SamIam1976

    Hey there Brooke,

    I am new to the board so don't know you very well. But I can understand the pain of surgery. I just underwent a tubal and d&c. But wasn't prepared for the immense pain I would be in after wards. Evidently the doc decided to move some internal organs around and do exploratory with the scope only to find out that I need to have my uterus removed due to the large tumors in my uterus. I know what you mean about taking oxycodone and vicodin together. I am still taking the oxycodone at night (i have two muchkins to take care of during the day). And now the tumor is pressing on the nerves in my lower back and causing me extreme pain and discomfort. :( I do hope this is the last surgery for you. I am due to have the hysterectemy very soon.

    Please get well. I guess we can all wallow in our misery together.


  • lonelysheep

    It's great to see you back Brooke! I'm glad you're feeling better, too.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Brooke, glad you are doing well, pain sucks but at least it lets you know that you are alive. Hope you are back to your usual irrepressible self soon!

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