On Good Morning America this morning, Oprah was on and she is having a few shows in which callers can give tips to the where abouts of child molesters. I don't watch her show myself but many do, obviously. I know she feels very strongly about the issue and even went to congress to get the laws changed. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to write her show about the jw molestation problem? I will, but all I can do is give her information. Some of you, if willing, could give the kind of story that tugs on the heartstrings of people. Your stories could make an impact to have her bring this to the American public. I think Silentlambs would know of people who would be willing to go public if some of you cannot. I would be difficult to do. But, your individual stories may be enough for her & staff to at least look into the problem.
Did I read the chart of from another thread correctly about the population of jw's in the US? I must have this wrong. Only about 30thousand some jw's in US? I have also read an estimated 23,000 names on file in Brooklyn as child molesters. ?
your thoughts?