*** w83 3/1 p. 16 "Flocking Together in Battle Line" ***
SOUND loud the battle call! Let all valiant witnesses of Jehovah muster for duty! The war against the enemy is approaching a critical stage. The days are urgent. We cannot afford to lapse into easygoing attitudes or be lulled into thinking that the warfare has abated. That is what the enemy would have us think, for he knows his time is short....It follows that all those associating with and supporting the remnant of God’s anointed people likewise become the target of this vicious warfare. Hence, to each one who is thus serving as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses today comes Paul’s stirring exhortation: "As a fine soldier of Christ Jesus take your part in suffering evil. No man serving as a soldier involves himself in the commercial businesses of life, in order that he may gain the approval of the one who enrolled him as a soldier." (2 Timothy 2:3, 4)...
The Greater David, Christ Jesus, has been chosen by Jehovah and is now ruling as heavenly King. Worldly nations are opposed to his kingship. They threaten to wipe out the King’s subjects on earth. (Psalm 2:1-3) Therefore, individuals worldwide are being called upon to take their stand on one side of the issue or the other. That issue is: Are they for the Kingdom of Jehovah’s Son or against it? Multitudes are indecisive. Others determine their position merely by what is expedient, only selfishly considering their own personal safety and gain. Many are undecided only because they lack knowledge of the facts; they lack discernment as to the meaning of these times and the urgent need for them to take their stand solidly for God’s Kingdom. Multitudes therefore are still under the influence of Satanic propaganda and in danger of being dragged down to destruction along with Satan and his accomplices. Hence, the urgent call is for all of Jehovah’s Witnesses to rally to the side of the Greater David, Christ Jesus....
Another important matter to be considered in our Christian warfare is our having a clear vision of the gulf that separates God’s clean organization from the permissive, immoral organizations of this world. (Genesis 3:15; Psalm 97:10) Opposed armies in a war have to be able to distinguish clearly between friend and foe. This is made possible by their distinctive uniforms and armorial equipment. We have been instructed as to the fruits of the spirit of God. We have been made aware of the works of the flesh, which are also manifested just like fruits. (Galatians 5:19-24) So there is really no gray area between God’s organization and Satan’s organization....
Those ‘strongly entrenched ideas’ need to be overturned, exposed, so that victims of delusion may be mentally and spiritually liberated. ... The time draws ever nearer when Jehovah will signal his chosen King to engage the enemy in a final war. The outcome of that action is certain. Satan’s entire organization, visible and invisible, will be removed, ridding the earth of all wicked and oppressive rule.