My mother was a strikingly beautiful woman, one who turned heads in the streets. This was too much of a temptation for the SS men, and so they used her for their sensual gratification. Night after night I was forced to watch as they inflicted their sadistic desires upon her until she finally was brutally murdered by torture and pack rape.
A reader supposedly wrote in and complained that the description of what happened to this poor woman verged on pornographic and hoped it would Never ever publish such a story again.
I don`t doubt that for a second. You would have to be a sexually oppressed, guilt-ridden JW to find a description of a brutal gangrape "pornographic". Pornography is,per se, meant to arouse, if it doesn`t arouse, it`s not pornography. So obviously we are dealing with a very sick JW-reader here, since this reader found violence arousing.
Yes, LEG,
That's the one! Did you get this off a recent CD because the comment about the girl surving the events so we should be able to survive reading of them, is not there. This is why the CD gets me angry - they follow a policy of constant editing revision and re-interpretation.
This is the real reason they want to shut down Quotes: he is giving the original non-revisionist version of the propaganda.
I was shocked by the article "From Death to Life in Dachau." (February 8, 1985) Please screen out explicit sexual, torture-type items (last paragraph on page 17) and do not go this far again.
I wish I could say that I was surprised at the re editing of the reply to the person who wrote in to the WTBTS. If the story was acceptable as a teaching aid in the past then why change the reason for telling the story?
The story itself is scary and savage. If we are to learn something from it, it is that the child survived and went on to make a better life for herself. If that was the reason the disturbing parts of the story were told why then why remove the reason from the answer to the reader who wrote in?
I remember being disturbed by the story. But that was not the reason for my retelling it here. I remembered more so the fact that someone had been so disturbed by it that they chose to write in and complain. The WTBTS then replied and gave its own reasons. AND NOW THE REASON HAS BEEN DELETED?!!!!! It was the only valid part of the answer - in effect - 'this poor child survived it and now exists happily despite her awful memory!' And that's gone?
As for the 'bible being more explicit in certain situations', isn't that one of the problems with the Bible. It showed that God gave instructions for inhuman treatment. Children and families were killed for the wrong doing of just one member of the family. Women, children and slaves were treated as if objects. And this was all OK with God.
And there's no questions from readers complaining about that kind of treatment in the bible either. God would have slain them just for questioning. Much like the WTBTS view on apostates. Ask no questions - tell no lies!
As for the bible having more explicit details than this article, surely that's one of the problems with the bible and why so many reject it!
God is shown allowing and inflicting dreadful punishments on families, tribes, and people. Sons and children are killed for the crimes of their fathers. Whole families are killed for the sin of one man in the family. Children are stoned for being disobedient or disrespectful. Rape victims have to marry their attackers....hey the list goes on.
If someone had written in to God, on the bibles questions from readers page, he'd more than likely have slain them and ten generations of their family on the spot! Much like the WTBTS disfellowshiping policy!