pointless post about chavs

by Ellie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    Call me uncharitable if you like, but I just hate chavs, not all of them, most are harmless if you hold your breath, but there are some that I just really can't stand.

    I was walking through town earlier when I saw Plug and his girlfirend, its thanks to my boyfriend that they know who I am but thats another story.

    Plug must be having a break from prison as he is back prowling the streets and his girlfriend has a few missing teath and hair you could fry an egg on, you know the type.

    Its funny actually because apparantely his girlfriend is going to beat me up as I tried it on with Plug (rolls eyes), but they still had the cheek to shout me over in the street and ask if they could borrow 8p, so I gave them a pound and told them to pay it back when they get a job , unfortunately they weren't bright enough to realise that was an insult.

    It is a really pointless post but I just had to vent.

  • Legolas

    What is a chavs?

  • googlemagoogle

    i thought this would be about chavez

  • Jordan

    What is a chavs?


    I [edit] hate chavs, they are the scum of this country. Check these out... This is my hometown http://www.chavtowns.co.uk/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1808 and this town is about 3 miles from me, and I think it's fair to say it's the Chav Capital of the UK http://www.chavtowns.co.uk/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1919

  • Legolas

    The links are taking too long to show up My or it's server must be slow!

    So are they a gang of teenagers or something?

  • daystar


    The only thing I can gather from what I've seen online is that they're some sort of English version of white gangsta wannabes (there is a word for it, but I won't mention it here).

    I honestly don't understand the revoltion. But then again, it's not my culture.

  • Jordan

    Basically what daystar said, they all think they're 50 cent or Eminem.

    I've noticed the website did lag a little bit when it loaded for me, perhaps it's their server running slowly.

    (btw, I let the F word slip out didn't I, sorry...)

  • Legolas

    So do they go around beating people up? Or robbing them?

  • Jordan

    Bit of both. Each to their own, some are harmless and wannabes, but others you really wouldn't mess with.

  • Legolas

    So what are the cops doing about them? Are they a new thing?

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