psychology does it work?

by cranwood 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • cskyjw.sun

    medication works for me.but the problem with me is that i deny that i am sick,and immediately i feel well i would skip the medicine.That is why i keep hearing voices.not untill i take my medicine faithfully have i become much better

  • jaguarbass

    From my experience if you ever need to see a psychologist you will probably always have to pay attention to your thinking.

    Just like people have to pay attention to what they eat.

    You cant just think anything you want.

    And many people cant just eat anything they want.

    I went to one psychologist in my first 10 years out of the tower.

    He knew I couldnt afford to see him based on my insurance situation so he gave me an excellent book he wrote

    "how to be your own psychologist". I dont think you can buy it. But it had everything in there I needed. I need to pull it out of my bookcase.

    Wayne Dyer wrote an excellent book "Your erroneous zones."

    People like me need constant maintenance and attention.

    Have you ever drank a 6 pack? Many JW's are considered alcoholics.

    The best therapy I found was AA. I went there for 7 years after leaving the tower.

    I felt the best I ever did going to AA. But its work just like going to a shrink.

    But AA is free or a dollar in the basket a session.

    I dont even know if I was ever an alcoholic.

    I was no more an alcoholic than most of my congregation including the elders and ministerial servants.

    I would say to myself at the meetings I was a recovering JW and work the steps.

    And the steps work if you work them.

    I stopped going to AA and I stopped reading self help books and I am hurting pretty bad.

    I know what I need to do.

    Just like a fat person knows what they need to do, just like a diabetic knows what they need to do.

    Just like an aids patient knows what they have to do. Just like a person with kidney failure knows what they have

    to do.

    I have to take my medicine.

    Which for me doesnt have to be physical, its pure mental protein, I have to adjust my stinking thinking.


    Going to a Psychologist is like going to a chiroprator you will never get better you will be a patient for life.

    Or until you run out of money or insurance. And if you start putting mental health on your insurance,

    you wont be able to get insurance down the road, ever.

    So you can go to AA or read self help books. Wayne Dyers "Erroneous zones is a good place to start.

    Also you can hypnotize yourself with good thoughts positive affirmations.

    It all takes work and maintenance.

    Good luck.

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