I'm ambidextrous. I can do many tasks with either my right or left hand. As a child, I was often confused as to which hand I should use when learning something new. I never learned to throw or write lefthanded, but I can play pool with either hand. It's gotten me into trouble a few times.
Reveal something "weird" or "unusual" about yourself
by JH 68 Replies latest jw friends
I typically do things the hard way, I very rarely take the easy way out. In order to avoid having to fight my way out of a parking space by backing out, I'll back my car in, so as to avoid having to fight myself out of a space. Backing in allows me to pull out head first upon leaving, with the additional benefit of seeing where it is that I'm going, as opposed to having to hope that when backing out, I don't get tagged by someone else paying less than the desired attention.
Rarely ,ever, will I turn my head so as to see where I'm going when backing in, or paralell parking. I use my outside mirrors much like truck drivers do. Backing in, I split the difference in both outer mirrors and use as a reference point, the vehicles on either side, backing the car in, as well as using the rearview mirrors. I've perfected my parking skills to a fine art. It's ,now, easier for me to back a car in a space as opposed to otherwise.
I hold my pen the wrong way... Like in some weird type of monkey grip or something. The teachers tried to get me to hold my pen/cil the right way but I have terrible penmanship when I do. So I just hold it the way that feels natural for me....
Whenever I go over a bridge in a car I have to lift my feet so they don't get wet
And, I met Miss America and (soon-to-be) President Clinton on the same day in May of 1990.
Were they together?
I hold my knife and fork in the "wrong" hands when eating, but I am not left - handed
I start talking about a subject to my husband without explaining it and expect my husband to know what im on about and get really cross if he doesnt.
Fortunately he seems to understand me,
I have really long eyelashes.
I hate it when people fart.
I like sloppy old American musicals.
I'm just plain different. I stay to myself. Don't like company. I talk too fast and mix my sentences up. My sentences come out like "beggs and acon" or "this stink is sinking". I love loud music! All kinds! Mandrill, War, New Birth, Carly Simon, Fiddy Cents, Paul Hardcastle, ODB, Dolly Parton, Sean Paul, Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, so on and so forth.
I have dental insurance, but won't go to the dentist! I wish he'd pull them all out and give me dentures!
There's more, but I've went past my limit!
One last thing, I work third shift, so that makes me legit for the "freaks come out at night". I'm a night nurse!