Nathan Knorr went dancing at the Rainbow Room? What a hypocrite. I received such censure from my female cousin for dancing like a Watusi. Evil me again.I had to pay a professional choreographer money for private dance lessons b/c I was so shamed. Private dances were hell for me. I so much wanted to dance but my feet were stuck to the floor. Jesus does not like dancing. My mom pointed out to me that Miriam danced and lived.
Barb Anderson relates amazing info about Knorr, also Senior Bethel Writers
by Dogpatch 26 Replies latest jw experiences
LoisLane looking for Superman
All of that info and it only reached 1 (one) page?
-----> My mind got stuck on the 3rd paragraph picturing Nathan and Audrey dressed formally, dancing in the Rainbow Room in NYC. Did they and the Larson's take a taxi together and if so, who paid? Or did some Bethel boy chauffeur them there, wait for them, and bring them back to their resident? What did the lowly, hard working Bethel boys eat the same days the Knorr's and Larson's were dining on foie gras ?
The Rainbow Room in its heyday, as referenced from Wikipedia says, "It was a fine dining restaurant, known for its revolving dance floor, a live big band orchestra and a view of the New York City skyline. It was originally conceived as a formal supper club, where the elite and influential of NY could gather to socialize over cocktails, dine on fine cuisine and dance to the strains of legendary big bands on a revolving floor.
The Rainbow Room was on the 65th floor of 30 Rockerfeller Plaza, NYC. It opened in 1934. It has been extensively remodeled and is open again for business".
I don't know what to think about this.
Knorr was such a miser, such a cheapskate to others, yet he lived the life of a millionaire. He got out of life exactly what he wanted. Power, prestige, and millions of people paying him to live the life he wanted. At the Rainbow Room, do you think he was looked at as a successful spiritual adviser or as a successful business man???
Thanks for bumping this. Still shaking my head.
Band on the Run,
Your Mom could have pointed to a number of Scriptures that do not condemn dancing.
Eccl. 3:4 says there is a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Ps. 30:11 Jehovah turns mourning into dancing.
David danced before the Lord. 2 Sam. 6:14
In the parable about the Prodigal Son, the older brother heard music and dancing at the
celebration of the prodigal's return to his father. Luke 15:25
And so on.
Real good stuff!
Wow, totally blown away!
Muddy Waters
Wow, great and informative info and history here!