I study the WTS now far more than I did when I was in

by Lady Lee 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I keep seeing this post all over the place in here. Repeatedly people say they find it far more interesting.

    I know I feel this way too. I hated studying WT material. So boring, so dry, so childish.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm much more interested in the psychology of the WTS and its effects on people than I am in the doctrine. But I have to admit there are a few posters here that just make WTS research fun and easy.

    So I was thinking about this as I read some of the posts on another thread. Why do so many of us run to do the research now when we hated it before (but did it because we had to)?

    Leoloia, Blondie, Scully, jgnat what a powerteam these women are. I sure am glad they are out and have the freedom to speak their minds. And we all benefit from it.

    And there are so very many more men and women here who stick around and offer help to others - turning the unpalatable into a real feast..

    The WTS is so proud to flaunt their "education" of people - teaching folks to read. Ok but then they serve the R&F the same 4th grade litterature on everybody year after year after year. People are so locked into thinking in a low level of reading skills it is pathetic.

    No wonder I left the Borg and wondered if I could handle college. I had been living off starvation rations for the mind for 22 years.

    I love learning and have a range of interests. I repeatedly surprise myself with the things I can learn. And yes I fully realize there are some things I just don't enjoy enough to get too involved with.

    Served pablum for those 22 years we were starving. Now we get the finest of our choosing.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i hear that! and the funny thing is that my friends that are still JW's make fun of me! "haha bethel you read all the watchtowers don't you have a life? man my parents still try to get me to read them..."

    imagine? and then they try to offer them as "interesting reading material" to potential armageddon survivors


  • Goldminer

    Very well said Lady Lee.I'm the same now too,I have a pile of research in my desk for reference.The blood issue was one thing I absolutely didn't understand as a jw;I didn't even try to look it up or try to understand it.Now I have a real interest in it and I see how foolish their reasoning is on many blood issues.

    I too,am an avid reader but the wt material used to make me go brain dead and I sometimes wondered what happened to my joy of reading.How true the words of king Solomon:"To the making of many (WT )books there is no end,and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    How true the words of king Solomon:"To the making of many (WT )books there is no end,and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."


    THAT sir is priceless!!!

  • upside/down

    Our brains were shackled...and we didn't even realize it.

    It's Dumbo and the feather...

    u/d(of the doesn't need the feather anymore class)

  • Country_Woman

    How true Lady Lee,

    When I joined this forum, I too made an observation: Forum members spent more time to study the Watchtower then the dubs do.


    Funny, you would think that, once free, you would want to forget al that misery as fast as possible, instead all of us are still involved in a way.......

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    This thread is so true - I too, in the last 8 mos. have studies and researched more WTS material that in all the 35 years I've been in. And what a trip it's been, I now understand what my children have said for years in the meetings "Mom, it's soooo booooooring, it's the same stuuuuf all over again, everrrrry tiiiiiiime", poor children. I couldn't see it then, but now it's very obvious, it's nothing but mind numbing repetition and mind control. Research on the other hand is extremely enjoyable, and exciting, I've learned so much, about the Witnesses, Religion in general and what a farce it all is, and how interesting ancient civilizations were. Free at last, Free at last!!!!!! (but still attending, due to family and freinds)


  • RunningMan

    I couldn't agree more. There is far more intellectual stimulation to be found in critical evaluation of Watchtower teachings than in the rote regurgitation of them. It's like biology class - you learn a lot more from disecting frogs than from talking to them.

  • dedpoet

    I didn't read any wt literature for the first 3 or 4 years after I left, wouldn't have it in my house, but now I do read a mag now and again, but from a totally different standpoint than when I was in. Then, I believed it all, no matter how ridiculous: now I don't believe any of it, and read it from a critical viewpoint, reading cited scriptures in context. I read it and research it much more thoroughly than I ever did while I was a dub. When I do, I find myself wondering how I ever believed any of that bs.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    you learn a lot more from disecting frogs than from talking to them.

    or kissing them

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