Do you still feel any guilt for celebrating a birthday or holiday or associating with "worldly" people or doing anything that the Watchtower has inculcated as being wrong????
Are You Still Affected By Guilt?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Nope though I do get a strange feeling around a group of jws...
Big Dog
Nope, not one little bit.
I want to say NO.
However, .. birthday and holiday greetings are a little hard for me to get out.
no guilt, but i'm not used to it. feels strange, but it's not guilt.
I don't feel guilt. I do heavily regret ever having been mixed up in Jehovah's Witnesses though.
I don't feel guilt. I do heavily regret ever having been mixed up in Jehovah's Witnesses though.
ditto... u/d
Been there
I still feel awkward singing happy birthday. However I get a real kick out of being involved in these celebrations.
I do feel guilty when my mum knows I am celebrating xmas & birthdays with my boyfriend and friends.... But I feel like i have to tell her. I am not going to hide what i am doing...
I haven't gotten around to the admitting I'm celebrating b-days or xmas to my mum or family. So I do feel guilty about witholding the truth, but it's a small price to pay for peace and quiet. I think my family see not going to meetings and living my life as one thing(maybe they think I'm just rebelling), but celebrating holidays would be crossing a line, and that line could get me chucked out, I've kinda grown accustomed to living with a roof over me...