I think that MotherDarling actually likes to hear about earthquakes, especially the ones that cause a lot of death. I don't know why she's so excited about terrorist bombings and hurricanes though, they're not mentioned in Matthew except for the faint out of fear thing. I saw a website once with exact stats on eathquakes in the last few centuries and was delighted to learn that they only seem to have increased because of the increased population in areas where they occur and the more sophisticated technology detecting small shudders and movement in seabeds etc. That delusion is so frustrating... a recent sister's answer to a watchtower question was (imperfect quote due to poor memory): "Clearly the planet is falling apart - the weather systems are causing earthquakes". I wanted to run a little instant lesson on plate tectonics, to demonstrate that even in a perfect world, they're going to need earthquakes to replace all the livable land that gets washed into the sea.
I can't stand that 'hooray another earthquake' thing
by sass_my_frass 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Sass
I know exactly what you mean. It seems like the focus of the dubbies is that the latest natural disaster is an indication that its almost armaggedon. They are so caught up in looking for signs and fulfillment of prophecies they seem to gloss over the devestation that is caused. Loss of lives, homes, injuries... etc etc.
My mum is still a die hard JW and you can see that she gets a real kick out of anything mentioned in the bible as a sign of the end. It really tears me up because it just demonstrates a major lack of sympathy for the victims.
Big Dog
They just want it so bad, they don't want to grow old, get sicker, die, worry about retirement, etc. They look to it as, well, as their salvation from every problem and issue in their life, perfect body, youth, seeing dead loved ones, you can see why they are looking for it in every news flash. If I believed it, I would be too.
I actually ran into an older sister in the grocery store today who told we were really close to the end now.REALLY??????? She then proceeded to tell me that "they're calling for an earthquake in Toronto,a big one" as if that means the end is closer.Now imagine the panic in Toronto if they were told a major earthquake is going to hit in a few days.I just smiled and walked away,shaking my head at some of these delusions some jw's are willing to invent to make the end come any sooner.
She then proceeded to tell me that "they're calling for an earthquake in Toronto,a big one" as if that means the end is closer
The WTS is calling for an earthquake in Toronto????
Even when I was an active, believing JW, this used to make me cringe, JWs predicting the end based on disasters, just like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Jack Van Impe.
At a time you think not
Is what the scriptures say; so if any JW thinks they have zeroed in on the date...think again.
I have done some research on earthquakes and even contacted some seismologists as part of the process of convincing myself the WTS is not only wrong but dishonest to boot. It is at
From the Encyclopedia Britannica there was a list of statistics on deaths from earthquakes. It stunned me to see that more people died in the 1200's from earthquakes than in the 1900's, despite the huge increase in population. The 1900's did not have the most deaths, did not have the largest earthquake and did not have the most earthquakes.
JW's love to play on the natural disasters theme, purely because it is a religion that thrives off fear and guilt.
Clearly, Matthew and his editors didn't understand that earthquakes are a by-product of the mechanism which recycles carbon removed from the atmosphere by aquatic organisms, and locks it away in the crust. A lack of earthquakes would mean that the plates had stopped moving, indicating that the core was cooling off. This would lead to collapse of the magnetic field and loss of the magnetosphere, and perhaps the eventual loss of the atmosphere itself. So, in the context of keeping the planet habitable, earthquakes are a sign that Earth is still a living, and livable, planet.
Clearly, Matthew and his editors didn't understand that earthquakes are a by-product of the mechanism which recycles carbon removed from the atmosphere by aquatic organisms, and locks it away in the crust. A lack of earthquakes would mean that the plates had stopped moving, indicating that the core was cooling off. This would lead to collapse of the magnetic field and loss of the magnetosphere, and perhaps the eventual loss of the atmosphere itself. So, in the context of keeping the planet habitable, earthquakes are a sign that Earth is still a living, and livable, planet. Very interesting, Did not know this!
It didn't even occur to me who she was implying when she said "they're calling...".Maybe she meant the newscasters,but either way I knew it was just hogwash.I felt sorry for her and the other sister with her.They're both in their late 70's,and are probably starting to realize that there's a better chance they're going to die before the end comes.So they twist a tidbit of news to convince themselves and create a sense of urgency.I guess it's some form of jw delusionary denial.
Goldminer said,"They're both in their late 70's,and are probably starting to realize that there's a better chance they're going to die before the end comes.So they twist a tidbit of news to convince themselves and create a sense of urgency.I guess it's some form of jw delusionary denial.
I think you're right, Goldminer. We were always taught that we'd never grow old and die, that Armaggeddon would be here way before that. And, well, here we are, our parents are growing old, and are becoming ill, and are dying. The aged are terrified......they were supposed to "walk" through armaggeddon, not die before it arrived.