Deer in highlights

by joelbear 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear


    I am stuck. My job is probably going to go away in the next 4 to 6 months due to our company being acquired and my job responsibilities shifting to people in the acquiring company. I have been with this company for 12 years. I have been in banking now for 25 years and have always found it boring and unfulfilling.

    I have started back to school part time, but at this rate it will take years to get a degree in my new fields of study Mathematics and Sociology. My previous education has been in Finance and Marketing.

    I have some savings and our house will be paid off in December.

    I can't make myself move. I make good money now, so I can't bring myself to quit.


    Motivation and/or advice will be greatly appreciated.



  • ChuckD


    Have you considered using the knowledge you have of banking to do something on your own, or perhaps joining some firm that supplies products (software, for example) to banks? I know that there is a lot of demand for banking support systems such as those which track commercial loan convenent compliance.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Joel, Chuck is right....there are many companies in the financial sector where your banking experience will fit right in. I work at a company that is a stock transfer agent for various companies, and banking experience is definitely a plus in this area.

  • larc


    When your world as you know it is ending, don't get upset, little humor there, I know very little. First of all, you said "probably" your job will be eliminated. That is what scares the Bee Jesus out of everyone in that kind of situation. Just hang tight and see what happens. Get your resume updated, look for options and do what you can to prepare yourself. Just doing something will help you feel less trapped.

    As far as your house goes, I would go get an equity line of credit from the bank now while you have a job (hard to do if you are let go). If worse comes to worse you will have money you can live on until you get re-established.

    At least you have some time to prepare. It is better than the tap on the shoulder on Friday when the boss tells you this is your last day.

    Joel, it ain't easy, but you will get through it.

  • Billygoat


    Prayers and hugs in your direction. You'll do fine. The experience of 25 years and your loyalty to one company for 12 years says alot! Nothing bad has happened yet - don't stress over "projections".


  • Prisca


    Stick with the job you have now until

    (a)you get retrenched (after 12 years you should get a GREAT payout)


    (b)you find something better that you really want to do.

    In the meantime, send your resume to some employment agencies. Chat with them and work out your best options career-wise. They know what the current market is like. You might also need to brush up on your interview techniques too!

    Hang in there, and let us know how you go.

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Joel: Have you considered law school? A law degree can open lots of career doors. You might be able to get admitted as a mature student if you don't have an undergrad degree. I went to law school in my early 20's, but there were lots of mature students there in their 40's and 50's who were embarking on their second or third careers.

    Best of all, the practise of law is now so specialized that you can often practise on your own (I do) and never have to hang around with those scum-sucking bottom feeders, except when you meet them in court. I've been a lawyer for 15 years and I am happy to say that none of my friends are lawyers.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Practical advice: My company is in the midst of spinning off a generation company and we have bought Merrill Lynch's power brokering business. I work for Allegheny Power and our is where you send the resume' and public job openings are listed there. We have positions in the northeast, the midwest and as far west as Arizona, where we are building another gas turbine power station. Let me know by e-mail if you need any other info.

  • Lindy

    So far you have a lot of good advice and I only have one thought extra. I don't know much about it myself, but I have heard that head hunter organizations can help redirect any skills you have and find you a job to your liking. I know people that have used them and it has worked out well for them. It sounds like you have a lot to offer and that is what these head hunting companies are looking for. Their services are free because the company seeking the good man for the job pay the fees. You might want to consider this. Continue that education though, that is important. Best of luck in what you choose to do.


  • TweetieBird

    Joel, pick up the book, "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard. It takes about 30 minutes to read, but excellent read.

    Good Luck my friend.


    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero


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