, seem to be triying to "
Make Sure of
Letters from the UN and the WT were published confirming the issue, available on the web. Printing them and asking any jw to call the WT to confirm the authenticity of the letters, is a make beleive approach, it is up to them.
Fear won't allow many jw to do it. You don't have to say were you got the copy from.
Some bits of data and speculation,
When the WT associated with the Un F. Franz was over 90 and about to die and knew very well about 'his' mistakes.
Major changes in any country or org comes after the death of the leader... when it comes to countries death is accelerated if neccesary.
Powerfull organization(s) may have decided it was a good time to squelch the WT regarding its view of the UN.
Powerfull organization(s) may have decided to "use' the WT (a clean
org) in exchange for some other benefits.
All WT heavies and elders around the world, with some historial and doctrinal knowledge
and a sound mind, have been just folowing the 'game' for a long time or stepped down or resigned or the org. Some are definitively making a living out of...
Is there anything from the DPI that confirms the Society did in fact regularly file these annual accreditation forms as it was required to do?
As far as i know they have not denied it, knowing how well the WT keeps its records, I doubt the WT did not comply each and every year...
A few of the heavies of the board asked the UN to publish these documents, which they so far have refused to do
All it may be needed is a good relationship with the Ambassador from France