All the comments above are dead on. Your BF does not yet realize what HE is in for!!! As soon as you are married he will be expected to be the HEAD of the house and make ALL the major decisions, no matter what you discussed previously. He will be disfellowshipped for allowing celebration of birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, etc. Also, if there are any children, he will be expected to bring them to the KH and they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to go to other churches!!! You did not indicate whether he was baptized yet or not...that makes a BIG difference even in what they are telling him.
One couple told their experience on becoming JW's: They met in SF, got married and had kids. The husband started studying with the Witnesses and she was Catholic. It did not set well with her or her family. He got baptized and then things went really crazy. She was left alone most of the time as he took the kids to the meetings and out in service. Between work and the meetings/service she saw her husband very little. She decided that she could either divorce him or join him. As she loved him very much she decided to study...all during that time she was allowed to think anything and research anything. After her baptism she learned very quickly that she had limited options. No more voicing opinions, no research, etc. She wasn't crazy about the effect this crazy isolation was having on her kids but continued to keep the family together. Fast forward 20 years...both have faded and now are very unhappy that they gave up the best years of their life for this cult. It has taken it's toil on the entire family, including the children...they feel they were deprived of a normal childhood and have issues.
I also know a guy who was baptized, ran off and married his high school sweetheart. She is also Catholic. You can not possibly imagine the pressure these 2 are under constantly! I don't see how they are going to keep it together. They have a child and he takes her to the meetings by himself and she is not allowed to take her to church. He takes her out in service and is patted on the back for doing all this. They all gossip about the wife and say what a bad mother she is not to be there with the child. I can only imagine what they will say to her as she gets "You have to realize that your mom is going to die at Armageddon, and you need to prepare yourself for this!" Think how this undermines the authority and respect the child should have for her mother. (By the way, the guy was privately reproved, and lost all his priviledges for quite some time! A number of people at the KH shunned him for a long time also.)
Think long and hard about this, your happiness is at stake. Do you want to look back in 20 years and regret your life?
I was raised a JW and I regret that, even though it wasn't my fault. You can not even comprehend what that does to a child. I would equate it to being raised in a prison camp. Some deal with it better than others but nonetheless it leaves you scarred for life. Do you want that for your children?