God used "imperfect men" to write the Bible didnt he? So then is the Bible flawed? You cant have it both ways. If an organization claimed to be directed by God and that God himself is the editor in chief of the watchtower and those words flow from God to the magazines... and it is impossible for God to lie then if his words get misconstrued or written incorrectly its because he allowed that to happen so that later they can write something else and claim its New Light and current understanding because they what...heard it wrong the first time or God withheld vital information or perhaps they were too dimwitted for the job? Really?
As soon as things go amuck its because the men are imperfect who wrote this shit down from their own understanding to begin with and not because God had anything whatsoever to do with all their false prophecies, and pharisaical controlling rules, regs and mind control. But as long as the sheeple buy the "light getting brighter" pile o crap, they can lie and mislead and false prophesy allllll they want to and blame God.